AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Achievements

Name Rewards Type
Fire the cannonball! (Daily) -
By any means necessary (Daily) -
Tomb Chronicles (Daily) -
Extreme Weather Phenomena (Daily) -
Suspension Bridge Maintenance and Repair (Daily) -
Demon King Confrontation (Daily) -
Cursed Armor (Daily) -
Unpredictable temperature changes (daily) -
Unknown Shadow (Daily) -
Devout Believer
Fishing Expert
Dragon King's Treasure
Fishing Expert
Fishing Expert
Sea Splitter Tank
Fishing Expert
Ghost Fire Arrow
Fishing Expert
Ocean Breaker
Fishing Expert
Sea Patrol Officer
Fishing Expert
Summer Iwanaga-hime Devotee Card Duel
The Path to Becoming a Royal Tutor (Daily) -
I don't know what hell tastes like. (Daily) -
Don't listen to the rumors on the street. (Daily) -
I must be the winner (Daily) -
Popular Support (Daily) -
Idol parties (Daily) -
How many times do I have to tell you? (daily) -
Police officer, that's him. (Daily) -
Thor Devotee Card Duel
Dream Everything (Daily) -
Hodur Devotee Card Duel
Is it for warmth or courage? (Daily) -
Sleepless Mountain (Daily) -
Frolore's Dragon Slaying Guide (Daily) -
Blizzard Berg's freezing winds (Daily) -
Horsin' Around (Daily) -
Blood and Thunder (Daily) -
Why kiss me if you don't love me? (Daily) -
Mier, where are you? (Daily) -
Desire for your love (Daily) -
Lightning Fire King (Daily) -
Finding Nemo (Daily) -
Dry and Wet Cycle (Daily) -
Sacred and inviolable (Daily) -
Picture Perfect (Daily) -
Stone Hard Fish Appears (Daily) -
Ransack (Daily) -
Bento Delivery (Daily) -
Daily Wasted Trip -
Mushroom Muncher (Daily) -
Roasted Pork (Daily) -
Survivalist Axe (Daily) -
Daily Blind Without Eyeglasses -