Eidolons | Bonus |
EVA +90 Eidolon Accumulated Points +20 DMG +140 Damage of Lightning Skills +3% Damage of Lightning Skills +6% |
DEF +30 Eidolon Accumulated Points +20 CRIT +60 Damage of Lightning Skills +3% Damage of Lightning Skills +6% |
DEF +35 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, SPD +70 Damage of Holy Skills +3% Damage of Holy Skills +6% |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +150 DMG taken from Boss Monsters -5% DMG taken from Boss Monsters -10% |
CRIT +100, SPD +100 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 HP +370, DEF +50 DMG +3% against Holy targets DMG +6% against Holy targets |
HP +260 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 CRIT +70, EVA +105 DMG +3% against Flame targets DMG +6% against Flame targets |
DEF +35 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 CRIT +70, SPD +70 Damage of Flame Skills +3% Damage of Flame Skills +6% |
SPD +60 Eidolon Accumulated Points +20 HP +220 Damage of Flame Skills +3% Damage of Flame Skills +6% |
DMG +160 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 HP +260, DEF +35 Damage of Storm Skills +3% Damage of Storm Skills +6% |
CRIT +70 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DEF +35, EVA +105 DMG +3% against Lightning targets DMG +6% against Lightning targets |
SPD +100, HP +370 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +230, EVA +150 DMG dealt to Elites +5% DMG dealt to Elites +10% |
DEF +35 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, SPD +70 Damage of Lightning Skills +3% Damage of Lightning Skills +6% |
HP +220 Eidolon Accumulated Points +20 DMG +60 Damage of Holy Skills +3% Damage of Holy Skills +6% |
CRIT +60 Eidolon Accumulated Points +20 EVA +90 Damage of Ice Skills +3% Damage of Ice Skills +6% |
HP +260 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 CRIT +70, DEF +35 Damage of Dark Skills +3% Damage of Dark Skills +6% |
EVA +105 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 HP +260, DEF +35 Damage of Ice Skills +3% Damage of Ice Skills +6% |
DEF +35 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, SPD +70 DMG +3% against Ice targets DMG +6% against Ice targets |
SPD +70 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, HP +260 Damage of Storm Skills +3% Damage of Storm Skills +6% |
HP +260 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 SPD +70, EVA +105 DMG +3% against Holy targets DMG +6% against Holy targets |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +410, DEF +55 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
SPD +70 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, CRIT +70 DMG +3% against Dark targets DMG +6% against Dark targets |
HP +450, DEF +60 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, SPD +120, EVA +180 DMG dealt +4% DMG dealt +8% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +3% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +6% |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG dealt to Players +5% DMG dealt to Players +10% |
DMG +270, DEF +60 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 CRIT +120, SPD +120, HP +450, EVA +180 DMG taken -4% DMG taken -8% |
HP +300, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG taken from Players -4% DMG taken from Players -8% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 DMG +3% against Storm targets DMG +6% against Storm targets |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 Combo chance +2% Combo chance +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 DMG +3% against Lightning targets DMG +6% against Lightning targets |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 CRIT DMG +5% CRIT DMG +10% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 Combo chance +2% Combo chance +4% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG +3% against Ice targets DMG +6% against Ice targets |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG taken from Elites -3% DMG taken from Elites -6% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 HP +300, DEF +40 DMG +3% against Dark targets DMG +6% against Dark targets |
HP +300, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 DMG +3% against Flame targets DMG +6% against Flame targets |
DEF +40, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, SPD +80 DMG +3% against Storm targets DMG +6% against Storm targets |
DMG +270, HP +450 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 CRIT +120, SPD +120, DEF +60, EVA +180 Move SPD +4% Move SPD +8% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG dealt to Elites +3% DMG dealt to Elites +6% |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG +3% against Dark targets DMG +6% against Dark targets |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 Normal ATK SPD +3% Normal ATK SPD +6% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, HP +300 Damage of Dark Skills +3% Damage of Dark Skills +6% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 DMG taken -2% DMG taken -4% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 Damage of Dark Skills +3% Damage of Dark Skills +6% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +3% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +6% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 DMG taken from Elites -3% DMG taken from Elites -6% |
HP +300, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 Damage of Storm Skills +3% Damage of Storm Skills +6% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
CRIT +70, EVA +105 Eidolon Accumulated Points +30 DMG +160, DEF +35 DMG +3% against Storm targets DMG +6% against Storm targets |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 Move SPD +4% Move SPD +8% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 DMG dealt +4% DMG dealt +8% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG taken -2% DMG taken -4% |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Damage of Dark Skills +3% Damage of Dark Skills +6% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 Move SPD +2% Move SPD +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Damage of Dark Skills +3% Damage of Dark Skills +6% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 Move SPD +4% Move SPD +8% |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, EVA +120 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 CRIT DMG +3% CRIT DMG +6% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG taken -2% DMG taken -4% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 Damage of Lightning Skills +4% Damage of Lightning Skills +8% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 Normal ATK SPD +3% Normal ATK SPD +6% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 Combo chance +2% Combo chance +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Move SPD +2% Move SPD +4% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, SPD +80 Damage of Ice Skills +3% Damage of Ice Skills +6% |
DMG +180, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Move SPD +2% Move SPD +4% |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 Damage of Storm Skills +4% Damage of Storm Skills +8% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 DMG taken from Boss Monsters -7% DMG taken from Boss Monsters -14% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +3% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +6% |
SPD +120, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, HP +450, DEF +60 DMG dealt to Players +9% DMG dealt to Players +18% |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 DMG dealt to Players +5% DMG dealt to Players +10% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 DMG taken -2% DMG taken -4% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 PEN +3% PEN +6% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 Damage of Flame Skills +4% Damage of Flame Skills +8% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, EVA +120 Damage of Flame Skills +3% Damage of Flame Skills +6% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 Damage of Ice Skills +4% Damage of Ice Skills +8% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 HP +300, DEF +40 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Damage of Lightning Skills +2% Damage of Lightning Skills +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 DMG +3% against Lightning targets DMG +6% against Lightning targets |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG +3% against Flame targets DMG +6% against Flame targets |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 Damage of Flame Skills +2% Damage of Flame Skills +4% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 Damage of Storm Skills +2% Damage of Storm Skills +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 CRIT DMG +4% CRIT DMG +8% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 Damage of Holy Skills +5% Damage of Holy Skills +10% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +4% |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG +3% against Holy targets DMG +6% against Holy targets |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, EVA +120 DMG taken from Players -5% DMG taken from Players -10% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG taken from Elites -2% DMG taken from Elites -4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +1% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG taken from Players -1% DMG taken from Players -2% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
DMG +180, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +60 Damage of Holy Skills +2% Damage of Holy Skills +4% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 DMG dealt to Elites +2% DMG dealt to Elites +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, EVA +120 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 DMG dealt +1% DMG dealt +2% |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Move SPD +1% Move SPD +2% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Armor Piercing +2 Armor Piercing +4 |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 DMG dealt to Elites +2% DMG dealt to Elites +4% |
HP +300, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Armor Piercing +3 Armor Piercing +6 |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt +3% DMG dealt +6% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 Move SPD +1% Move SPD +2% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 DMG +3% against Ice targets DMG +6% against Ice targets |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, EVA +120 Armor Piercing +5 Armor Piercing +10 |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DEF +40, EVA +120 DMG taken from Elites -2% DMG taken from Elites -4% |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +4% |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DEF +40, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 Armor Piercing +3 Armor Piercing +6 |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 Armor Piercing +2 Armor Piercing +4 |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 DMG dealt +1% DMG dealt +2% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 DMG dealt to Elites +2% DMG dealt to Elites +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
CRIT +80, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
HP +300, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 Damage of Ice Skills +2% Damage of Ice Skills +4% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, DEF +40 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
SPD +80, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 Armor Piercing +2 Armor Piercing +4 |
EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, EVA +120 DMG dealt +1% DMG dealt +2% |
HP +300, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Armor Piercing +2 Armor Piercing +4 |
DMG +180, SPD +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, DEF +40 DMG dealt +3% DMG dealt +6% |
DMG +180, CRIT +80 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 HP +300, DEF +40 CRIT DMG +3% CRIT DMG +6% |
CRIT +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, SPD +80 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, DEF +40 Damage of Holy Skills +2% Damage of Holy Skills +4% |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 PEN +1% PEN +2% |
DMG +180, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 SPD +80, HP +300 PEN +2% PEN +4% |
SPD +80, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, CRIT +80 Armor Piercing +3 Armor Piercing +6 |
DMG +180, HP +300 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Combo chance +1% Combo chance +2% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 Damage of Physical Skills +2% Damage of Physical Skills +4% |
SPD +80, DEF +40 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 DMG +180, EVA +120 Max CRIT DMG +1% Max CRIT DMG +2% |
CRIT +120, HP +450 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, SPD +120, DEF +60, EVA +180 Damage of Physical Skills +2% Damage of Physical Skills +4% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
SPD +120, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, HP +450, DEF +60 Damage of Physical Skills +3% Damage of Physical Skills +6% |
CRIT +120, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
DMG +270, SPD +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 CRIT +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 Max DMG dealt +3% Max DMG dealt +6% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 Max DMG dealt +2% Max DMG dealt +4% |
DEF +60, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, SPD +120, HP +450 All stats +3% All stats +6% |
DMG +180, EVA +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 CRIT +80, SPD +80 Damage of Physical Skills +2% Damage of Physical Skills +4% |
HP +450, DEF +60 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, SPD +120, EVA +180 All stats +2% All stats +4% |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +165 Max DMG dealt +4% Max DMG dealt +8% |
DEF +55, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, CRIT +110, SPD +110, HP +410 Damage of Physical Skills +4% Damage of Physical Skills +8% |
DMG +250, SPD +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +165 DMG dealt +2% DMG dealt +4% |
CRIT +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410, EVA +165 Max DMG dealt +3% Max DMG dealt +6% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 CRIT DMG +2% CRIT DMG +4% |
DEF +60, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, SPD +120, HP +450 Max CRIT DMG +3% Max CRIT DMG +6% |
CRIT +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, EVA +165 DMG +2% against Flame targets DMG +4% against Flame targets |
HP +410, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, SPD +110, DEF +55 All stats +2% All stats +4% |
DMG +250, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +410, DEF +55 DMG +2% against Lightning targets DMG +4% against Lightning targets |
CRIT +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, HP +410, EVA +165 Damage of Physical Skills +2% Damage of Physical Skills +4% |
DMG +250, SPD +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, DEF +55, EVA +165 Armor Piercing +3 Armor Piercing +6 |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, CRIT +110, DEF +55 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
SPD +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +410, EVA +165 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +1% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% |
DMG +250, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, SPD +110, DEF +55 All stats +2% All stats +4% |
CRIT +110, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +165 CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +2% CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +4% |
SPD +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, EVA +165 CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +2% CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +4% |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, DEF +55 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
DMG +250, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, DEF +55 Damage of Storm Skills +2% Damage of Storm Skills +4% |
DMG +250, SPD +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, EVA +165 DMG +2% against Holy targets DMG +4% against Holy targets |
CRIT +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, HP +410, EVA +165 CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +2% CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +4% |
DMG +250, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, SPD +110, DEF +55 All stats +2% All stats +4% |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, DEF +55, EVA +165 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +410, DEF +55 CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +2% CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +4% |
DEF +55, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +1% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% |
DEF +55, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410 DMG +2% against Storm targets DMG +4% against Storm targets |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +165 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
SPD +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, EVA +165 DMG taken from Players -2% DMG taken from Players -4% |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, DEF +55 Damage of Lightning Skills +2% Damage of Lightning Skills +4% |
CRIT +100, SPD +100 Eidolon Accumulated Points +40 HP +370, DEF +50 DMG dealt to Elites +3% DMG dealt to Elites +6% |
DMG +270, CRIT +120 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 SPD +120, HP +450, DEF +60, EVA +180 Damage of Flame Skills +2% Damage of Flame Skills +4% |
DEF +60, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, SPD +120, HP +450 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +4% |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, DEF +55, EVA +165 DMG +2% against Dark targets DMG +4% against Dark targets |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 SPD +110, HP +140, DEF +55 Damage of Dark Skills +2% Damage of Dark Skills +4% |
CRIT +110, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110 Damage of Holy Skills +2% Damage of Holy Skills +4% |
CRIT +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410, EVA +165 CRIT DMG to Players +2% CRIT DMG to Players +4% |
SPD +120, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +60 DMG +270, CRIT +120, HP +450, DEF +60 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
DEF +55, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410 Damage of Ice Skills +2% Damage of Ice Skills +4% |
CRIT +110, EVA +180 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, DEF +55 Max CRIT DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
SPD +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, HP +410, EVA +165 DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +1% DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +2% |
DMG +250, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 CRIT +110, SPD +110, DEF +55 Max DMG dealt +4% Max DMG dealt +8% |
SPD +110, DEF +55 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, HP +410, EVA +165 Damage of Physical Skills +1% Damage of Physical Skills +2% |
CRIT +110, HP +410 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, CRIT +110, DEF +55 Main Weapon DMG +2% Main Weapon DMG +4% |
DEF +55, EVA +165 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 DMG +250, SPD +110, HP +410 CRIT DMG +3% CRIT DMG +6% |
DMG +250, CRIT +110 Eidolon Accumulated Points +50 HP +410, DEF +55, EVA +165 All stats +2% All stats +4% |
30800 | 13860 | 13900 | 49140 | 6335 | 18840 |
Stat | Stat |
DMG +33% against Storm targets | DMG +33% against Flame targets |
DMG +33% against Lightning targets | DMG +27% against Ice targets |
DMG +33% against Holy targets | DMG +33% against Dark targets |
Damage of Storm Skills +51% | Damage of Flame Skills +51% |
Damage of Lightning Skills +51% | Damage of Ice Skills +51% |
Damage of Holy Skills +51% | Damage of Dark Skills +51% |
Damage of Physical Skills +48% | Move SPD +60% |
DMG dealt +99% | DMG taken -36% |
Normal ATK SPD +18% | PEN +129% |
CRIT DMG +90% | Combo chance +21% |
DMG dealt to Boss Monsters +57% | DMG dealt to Elites +51% |
DMG dealt to Players +57% | DMG taken from Players -36% |
DMG taken from Elites -30% | DMG taken from Boss Monsters -36% |
Armor Piercing +75 | Max CRIT DMG +14% |
Max DMG dealt +48% | All stats +39% |
Main Weapon DMG +46% | CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +24% | CRIT DMG to Players +6% |