AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Achievements

Name Reward Type
Defeat the monster "White Death" and succeed! Daily Top Kills
Defeat the monster "Phoenix", success! Daily Top Kills
Defeat the monsters "Gremreet" and succeed! Daily Top Kills
Escape Show (Daily) -
Sensationalism (Daily) -
Poisoning Incident (Daily) -
Insect Invasion (Daily) -
Horror Story Decryption (Daily) -
Cave Mansion (Daily) -
Terrified Cave (Daily) -
Muscle Power (Daily) -
Frenzy Express (Daily) -
Investigate Information (Daily) -
Visual Impairment (Daily) -
Relic Materials (Daily) -
Lazy Clone (Daily) -
Work doesn't have to wait (every day). -
Sufficient Supply (Daily) -
Virus Master of the Land (Daily) -
Fire Cooking (Daily) -
undergroundGourmet (Daily) -
True Dragon Transform (Daily) -
Sunshine Desire (Daily) -
Mana Parasite Buried Mana Prospecting, success!
Daily Exploration
Dig for Oxidized Crystals in the Magic Realm, success!
Daily Exploration
Dig for Aged Cheese in the Magic Realm, success!
Daily Exploration
I Dig Stone Jars by the Dragon's Edge, success!
Daily Exploration
I Dig Corroded Ore by the Dragon's Edge, success!
Daily Exploration
Dragon's Edge Prospecting specialized in digging blunt rod-shaped tools, success!
Daily Exploration
Harvested Herb "Nightshade Grass," success! Daily Gathering
Collected "Sakura Powder Flowering Shrub," success! Daily Gathering
Obtained the "Star Mushroom" successfully! Daily Gathering
Obtained the "Stone Pond Tree" from the forest, success! Daily Gathering
Pharaoh's Slate (Daily) -
Honest Woodcutter (Daily) -
Crazy Inventor (Daily) -
Don't Mess with the Spell (Daily) -
Sweet Master (Daily) -
Dance Partner Selection (Daily) -
Unique Yoganah Dish (Daily) -
Long-Lost Things (Daily) -
Power of Burst Magic (Daily) -
Seek Inspiration (Daily) -
If only money can buy it (Daily) -
Tie up and bring back (Daily) -
Battle Demonstration (Daily) -
Witness the Miracle (Daily) -
Regular Check (Daily) -
Love Chicks (Daily) -
Hard to Come by (Daily) -