AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Chronicle Battles

Name Durability XP Merit
Ancient Walled City V 8 1003 295
Descent Into Purgatory IV 8 784 120
Aura Kingdom's Gate III 8 1137 174
Aura Kingdom's Gate II 8 1127 172
Aura Kingdom's Gate I 8 1127 172
Ancient Battlefield IV 8 1127 172
Ancient Battlefield III 8 1127 172
Descent Into Purgatory III 8 784 120
Descent Into Purgatory II 8 777 119
Descent Into Purgatory I 8 777 119
The Hanging Gardens IV 8 777 119
The Hanging Gardens III 8 777 119
The Hanging Gardens II 8 771 119
The Hanging Gardens I 8 771 119
Stone Altar IV 8 771 119
Stone Altar III 8 771 119
Stone Altar II 8 764 118
Stone Altar I 8 764 118
Volcanic Ruins IV 8 764 118
Volcanic Ruins III 8 764 118
Volcanic Ruins II 8 758 118
Mausoleum V 8 764 210
Ancient Battlefield II 8 1118 172
Ancient Battlefield I 8 1118 172
Galaxy Bridge IV 8 1118 172
Galaxy Bridge III 8 1118 172
Galaxy Bridge II 8 1108 171
Galaxy Bridge I 8 1108 171
The Valley of Gold V 8 758 208
The Queen's Oasis V 8 697 206
The Great Pyramid V 8 692 204
Volcanic Ruins I 8 758 118
Tree of Knowledge IV 7 1027 171
Tree of Knowledge III 7 1027 171
Tree of Knowledge II 7 1016 169
Tree of Knowledge I 7 1016 169
Gate of Judgment IV 7 1016 169
Gate of Judgment III 7 1016 169
Gate of Judgment II 7 1008 169
Gate of Judgment I 7 1008 169
City of Angels IV 7 931 169
City of Angels III 7 931 169
City of Angels II 7 922 168
City of Angels I 7 922 168
Ancient Walled City IV 7 922 168
Ancient Walled City III 7 922 168
Ancient Walled City II 7 915 168
Ancient Walled City I 7 915 168
Mausoleum IV 7 708 118
Mausoleum III 7 708 118