AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Chronicle NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Blissful Little Sheep 71 General Monster
Carnivorous Grass 71 Boss Monster
Holy Crystal Captain 71 Elite Monster
Sprite Chieftain 71 Boss Monster
Odd Magic Mushroom 71 Elite Monster
King Mandrake 71 Boss Monster
Ironbark Carnivore 71 Elite Monster
Happy Little Sheep 71 General Monster
Bone Demon Daeva 71 Boss Monster
Winged Demon Cur 71 Boss Monster
Wide Range Machine Gun 72 Elite Monster
Evil's Essence Mephistopheles 72 Boss Monster
Skeleton King 72 Boss Monster
Colorful Parrot 72 General Monster
Crazed Demon Eyaz 72 Boss Monster
Toxic Troll 72 Boss Monster
Galaxy Jay 72 General Monster
Galaxy Eagle 72 General Monster
Wise Demon Jinn 72 Boss Monster
Holy Crystal Commander 72 Elite Monster
Mammon Femme Fatale 72 General Monster
Mammon Bone Footsoldier 72 General Monster
Mammon Enchantress 72 General Monster
<Fallen Angel> Beelzebub 72 Elite Monster
City Guard Statue 2 73 Boss Monster
<Angel> Josiah 73 Elite Monster
City Guard Statue 1 73 Boss Monster
Dark Ballista 73 General Monster
Mystic Mortar 73 General Monster
Demonic Artillery 73 General Monster
Ash Grey Owl 73 General Monster
Viridian Green Owl 73 General Monster
Ice Blue Parrot 73 General Monster
<Brutal Tyrant> Aebardoon 73 Boss Monster
Battle Magic Lord 73 Boss Monster
Dark Demon Lord 73 Boss Monster
Medium Machine Gun 73 Elite Monster
Joyful Wobbling Chicken 73 Elite Monster
Runic Wall of Protection 74 General Monster
Skeletal Wall of Vexation 74 General Monster
Holy Unicorn 74 Boss Monster
Steford 74 Boss Monster
Jubilant Wobbling Chicken 74 Elite Monster
Holy Tyrant's Fist 74 General Monster
Night-shrouded Unicorn 74 Boss Monster
Divine Sanction 74 General Monster
(Nightstalker) Pandora 74 Elite Monster
Alpa 74 Boss Monster
Holy Raid 74 General Monster
Mammon Skeleton Soldier 74 Elite Monster