Basic Information
Type Armor
Quality Secret
Sell Price 132
Detailed Information
ID: 10375Strengthen:

Revelation Light Armor

Cannot trade.
Character Level 60 and above
DEF Bonus

DEF +1345
DMG +1722
CRIT +616
HP +1821
DMG +1%

Fortification +9: Crit Hits from players -1%
Fortification +15: ACC +1%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
Earned XP +3%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
ACC +2%
Enemy Crit Rate -2%
Fortification +25: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
XP gained +3%
Fortification +30: DMG +3%
ACC +3%
Received CRIT Rate -2% when attacked.

Revelation of the King's Command (2/2)
Revelation Light Armor
Set Bonus:
Crit Damage against bosses +15%
SPD +591 and HEAL +10%

"This soft armor is stitched with prophecies concerning the Otherworld. Man, couldn't they have just bedazzled it and left it at that? Regardless, this armor brims with demonic power."
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