Basic Information
Type Wizard
Quality Rare
Sell Price 292
Repair Cost 1
Detailed Information
ID: 19778Strengthen:

Resonant Spirit: Origin of the World

ATK SPD 2.2s

Binds on Equip.
SLv 5 and above
ATK Bonus
Durability 100 / 100

DMG +61599
CRIT +1913
SPD +1451
EVA +2435
Great Staff DMG +12%
Great Staff Skill Level +3
Casting Meteor Shot grants Fire Blessing status. Fireball range +3 m and DMG +30% for 10 sec.
PEN +15%

Fortification +9: ACC +2%
Fortification +15: Max HP +1%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
CRIT +1%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
Max HP +2%
ACC +4%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
CRIT +3%
Max HP +2%
Fortification +30: DMG increases by 3%
CRIT increases by 3%
HP increases by 2%
ACC increases by 4%
Armor Piercing Value increases by 2 points

Holy Power Lv1: CRIT +72
Holy Power Lv2: CRIT +145
Dragon Points gained +4%
Holy Power Lv3: CRIT +217
Dragon Points gained +8%
Holy Power Lv4: DEF +36
DMG +2% against Ice targets
Holy Power Lv5: DEF +72
DMG +5% against Ice targets
Holy Power Lv6: DEF +108
DMG +10% against Ice targets

"The God of Creation waved his scepter and all took their first breath of life. Then he waved it again and death came into existence."
Contained In
Adventure Encyclopedia