Basic Information
Type Star Caller
Quality Rare
Sell Price 219
Repair Cost 1
Detailed Information
ID: 21473Strengthen:

Draco-Puppet of Critical Frost

ATK SPD 1.8s

Binds on Equip.
Character Level 65 and above
ATK Bonus
Durability 100 / 100

DMG +27888
SPD +593
HP +1962
EVA +883
Rainbow Strike CRIT DMG +30%
Every attack has an 8% chance to activate Critical Ice Blade, which deals bonus Damage.

Fortification +9: ACC +2%
Fortification +15: CRIT DMG +5%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
Move SPD +2%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
HP +2%
ACC +4%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
Move SPD +3%
ACC +2%
Fortification +30: DMG +3%
SPD +3%
ACC +4%
Move SPD +3%

Holy Power Lv1: DMG +86
Holy Power Lv2: DMG +172
Dragon Points gained +4%
Holy Power Lv3: DMG +258
Dragon Points gained +8%
Holy Power Lv4: HP +106
DMG +2% against Holy targets
Holy Power Lv5: HP +211
DMG +5% against Holy targets
Holy Power Lv6: HP +317
DMG +10% against Holy targets

"This illusory Draco-Puppet, inlaid with permanently frozen Polar Crystals, can summon blizzards that can freeze all creatures down to the absolute zero."
Contained In
Adventure Encyclopedia
Product Materials