Basic Information
Type Brawler
Quality Rare
Sell Price 273
Repair Cost 1
Detailed Information
ID: 21807Strengthen:

Wailing Leap

ATK SPD 1.6s

Binds on Equip.
SLv 15 and above
ATK Bonus
Durability 100 / 100

DMG +73330
CRIT +2048
HP +10094
EVA +3105
Katar DMG +12%
Katar Skill Level +3
When casting "Sparks and Flames", skill range is increased by 3 meters, and it causes the target to gain the status "Arrogant Fists", and Flame DMG taken +25%, last for 6 secs
PEN +17%

Fortification +9: Max HP +1%
Fortification +15: ACC +2%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
CRIT +1%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
Max HP +2%
ACC +4%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
CRIT +3%
Max HP +2%
Fortification +30: DMG increases by 3%
CRIT increases by 2%
HP increases by 3%
ACC increases by 4%
Armor Piercing Value increases by 2 points

Holy Power Lv1: Max HP +254
Holy Power Lv2: Max HP +508
Dragon Points gained +4%
Holy Power Lv3: Max HP +762
Dragon Points gained +8%
Holy Power Lv4: SPD +71
DMG against Dark targets +2%
Holy Power Lv5: SPD +142
DMG against Dark targets +5%
Holy Power Lv6: SPD +213
DMG against Dark targets +10%

"With a violent trick, it makes you think it will attack you from the front but it will stab your back."
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Adventure Encyclopedia