Basic Information
Type Eidolon's Token
Quality Rare
Sell Price 107
Detailed Information
ID: 23976Strengthen:

Santa Raphael's Christmas Garland

Unique Equipment. Binds on Equip.
Eidolon Level 60 and above
DEF Bonus

DEF +1154
DMG +738
CRIT +528
HP +1561
DMG +3%
Santa Raphael's attacks have a 25% chance to increase target's Received Lightning DMG by 8% for 15 secs.

Fortification +9: ACC +5%
Received DMG -10%
Fortification +15: DEF +5%
Received DMG -3%
Fortification +18: DMG +5%
Received DMG -3%
Fortification +20: CRIT DMG +15%
CRIT Rate +5%
Max HP +5%
Received DMG -3%
Fortification +25: DMG +5%
Max HP +5%
Received DMG -3%
Fortification +30: CRIT DMG +20%
CRIT +6%
Max HP +5%
Received DMG -3%

Gaia Chronicle Effect
Fortification +9: Santa Raphael's Skill Cast chance +2%
Fortification +15: Santa Raphael's Skill Cast chance +3%
Fortification +18: Santa Raphael's Skill Cast chance +4%
Fortification +20: Santa Raphael's Skill Cast chance +6%
Fortification +25: Santa Raphael grants Lightning DMG +10%
Fortification +30: Santa Raphael increases CRIT DMG +20%

"This beautiful garland was handmade by Santa Raphael. Its ethereal music can attract small animals to sing along."