Basic Information
Type Duel Card
Quality Normal
Max Stack 10
Sell Price 10
Card XP 50
Detailed Information
ID: 26554

Duel Card: Tribal Warrior

Cannot trade.
Character Level 60 and above

Right-click to obtain Duel Card: Tribal Warrior.

Can be sold for Duel Coins to a Duel Merchant in the City of Navea.
Can be used in the Enhance Duel Card interface to increase XP for other duel cards.
Contained In
Card Duels
Card Duel Zones
<Fame Quest Clerk>
Mirabelle (Normal)
Crescent Hill (X: 712, Y: 426)
Cactakara Forest (X: 366, Y: 203)
Demarech Mines (X: 755, Y: 239)
Triatio Highlands (X: 733, Y: 662)
Candeo Marsh (X: 193, Y: 244)
Ventos Prairie (X: 277, Y: 751)
Oblitus Wood (X: 432, Y: 252)
Star Sand Desert (X: 166, Y: 198)
Rainmist Reach (X: 270, Y: 274)
Emerald Marsh (X: 702, Y: 571)
Starstruck Plateau (X: 205, Y: 214)
Silent Ice Field (X: 396, Y: 736)
Port Morton (X: 504, Y: 677)
Candetonn Hill (X: 185, Y: 603)
Viridian Steppe (X: 602, Y: 242)
Desolate Valley (X: 432, Y: 227)
Tanglevine Cascades (X: 262, Y: 197)
Sunhunter's Vale (X: 819, Y: 653)
Chronology Forest (X: 699, Y: 211)
Tempest Desert (X: 720, Y: 738)
Frigga Peak (X: 318, Y: 667)
Desolate Desert (X: 744, Y: 767)
Secret Forest Lake (X: 117, Y: 511)
Hidden Valley (X: 230, Y: 396)
Gloomy Ridge (X: 725, Y: 537)
Drowsy Cave (X: 577, Y: 256)
Help Merum (X: 277, Y: 751)
<Fame Quest Clerk>
Mirabelle (Hard)
Crescent Hill (X: 712, Y: 426)
Cactakara Forest (X: 366, Y: 203)
Demarech Mines (X: 755, Y: 239)
Triatio Highlands (X: 733, Y: 662)
Candeo Marsh (X: 193, Y: 244)
Ventos Prairie (X: 277, Y: 751)
Oblitus Wood (X: 432, Y: 252)
Star Sand Desert (X: 166, Y: 198)
Rainmist Reach (X: 270, Y: 274)
Emerald Marsh (X: 702, Y: 571)
Starstruck Plateau (X: 205, Y: 214)
Silent Ice Field (X: 396, Y: 736)
Port Morton (X: 504, Y: 677)
Candetonn Hill (X: 185, Y: 603)
Viridian Steppe (X: 602, Y: 242)
Desolate Valley (X: 432, Y: 227)
Tanglevine Cascades (X: 262, Y: 197)
Sunhunter's Vale (X: 819, Y: 653)
Chronology Forest (X: 699, Y: 211)
Tempest Desert (X: 720, Y: 738)
Frigga Peak (X: 318, Y: 667)
Desolate Desert (X: 744, Y: 767)
Secret Forest Lake (X: 117, Y: 511)
Hidden Valley (X: 230, Y: 396)
Gloomy Ridge (X: 725, Y: 537)
Drowsy Cave (X: 577, Y: 256)
Help Merum (X: 277, Y: 751)
Farmer (Normal) Crescent Hill (X: 597, Y: 369)
Farmer (Hard) Crescent Hill (X: 597, Y: 369)