Basic Information
Type Trophy
Quality Rare
Sell Price 197
Detailed Information
ID: 32881Strengthen:

Bond - Flower Garden

Binds on Equip.
SLv 1 and above

HP +5331
DEF +753
EVA +1632
Max HP, DEF, EVA +10%
Armor Piercing +4
Obtain "Sublime Shield" when attacked, which blocks 20% of incoming DMG for the next 2 hits. Lasts for 5 secs and 15 secs.
If the shield is broken within the time, it recovers 5% HP of surrounding party members, red

Fortification +9: MSPD +1%
Fortification +15: Received 1% less DMG from physical attributes.
Received 1% less DMG from all attributes.
Fortification +18: Move SPD +1%
DMG dealt +2%
Fortification +20: Damage from physical characteristics reduced by 2%.
Damage from all attributes reduced by 2%.
Fortification +25: Move SPD +1%
DMG dealt +4%
Fortification +30: Damage from physical characteristics reduced by 4%.
Damage from all attributes reduced by 4%.

Grass Sprite Set (2/2)
Bond - Flower Garden
Effect of Full Set:
Increases DMG, CRIT DMG, and CRIT DMG limit by 15%.
15% chance to inflict "Sprout Bind" on the Target when using ATK, increasing DMG from physical attributes and all attributes by 10%, and reducing total MOVE SPD by 10%. Can stack up to 2 layers and lasts for 10 seconds.

A rose flower that has absorbed the essence of the Grass Kingdom, earth, and moon. Its stamens sometimes emit mysterious energy.