Basic Information
Type Boots
Quality Rare
Sell Price 180
Detailed Information
ID: 35249Strengthen:

Revelation Boots of Temporal Illusion

Binds on Equip.
SLv 35 and above
DEF Bonus

DEF +5385
SPD +2099
HP +13854
EVA +4286

Fortification +9: Crit Damage Taken -3%
Fortification +15: Malice +2%
Fortification +18: Max HP +1%
EVA +1%
Earned XP +3%
Fortification +20: Max HP +2%
EVA +2%
Malice +4%
CRIT DMG received -6%
Fortification +25: DMG +1%
Max HP +2%
XP gained +3%
Fortification +30: CRIT increased by 2%
HP increased by 3%
Aggro value increased by 6%
Reduction in CRIT DMG by 6%
Armor Piercing Value increased by 2 points

Chrono Glory Series (3/3)
Revelation Boots of Temporal Illusion
Set Bonus Effect:
HP increases by 12%.
Increase DEF by 5250 points.
When CRIT, there is a 50% chance to gain the "Falling Star" status, during which Movement SPD increases by 10%, nearby enemies take 10% more DMG and cannot receive Heal effects, lasting for 6 seconds.

Uninterrupted space-time jumps, the glorious Crusade never stops.
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