Basic Information
Type Randomizer
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 41688

Sacred Refining Jade II

Runestone crafted from ancient Magic Stone, it cannot resonate with the Holy Spirit and activate special effects.
Right-click to use, then select the Holy Spirit.
Using it will reshuffle the Holy Spirit's Random stats.
Using it has a chance to gain 1-2 class skills or fail, clearing all class skills upon failure.

After use, the Holy Spirit has a chance to gain the following abilities, up to two abilities.
The same type of DMG Bonus % for each skill cannot coexist.
Increase the DMG of any of the following skills by 5% / 10% / 15%:Slash Cut", "Dancing Balisong",Knockback Cautious", "Lightning Strike Area",Raging Slash", "Aftershock",Fireball", "Ice Storm",Bombardment", "Sonic Bomb",Cannon Salvo", "Icy Grenade",Soul Draw", "Blood Seal",Blissful Harmony", "Healing Harmony",Swift Strike", "Lotus Strike",Dimensional Shot", "Hail of Arrows",Flying Black Swallow", "Dark Spear Raid",Shadowflame Toss", "Devil Incarnate",Divine Sunderance", "Smiter's Edge",Blood Corruption", "Razor Wind",Sacrificial Lance", "Lance - Hymn of Doom",Ignis Flash", "Twinkling Star",Dragon Cannon", "Starlight Bombardment",Mighty Whip", "Reincarnation",Shadow Dragon Strike", "Ice Dragon Gnawing",Sprinkling Starlight", "Star Patrol Vortex".
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