Basic Information
Type Unsorted
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 47026

King Gigapede Ramen

During the specified time, gain the following effects:
- Main Weapon DMG increased by 5%
- DMG against boss Monster increased by 5%
- MOVE SPD increased by 10%
- CRIT DMG increased by 20%
- ACC increased by 20%
- All stats increased by 10%
- All attribute Skills Damage increased by 10%
- Physical characteristic Skills Damage increased by 10%
- Penetration increased by 5%

A brand new cuisine developed by the royal chefs of Navea, unappealing at first glance, but once tasted, the word "delicious" literally Appear, and you have to be Evasive to avoid getting hit on the head by the word.

Right-click to use for a Duel Card: King Giant Isopod Ramen effect.
BUFF duration is 12 hours.
The effect does not Disappear upon Death and can be used with other in-game beverages and cuisines, but cannot be used with Navea Feast or Navea Noble Cuisine (Non-tradable).
Right-click to use.