Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 64734

Mid-Autumn Reunion Gift Box (Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

Right-click to use and obtain one of the following items:
Rainbow Coin 5-coin Voucher (Limited)x1
Rainbow Coin 10-coin Voucher (Limited)x1
Rainbow Coin 25-coin Voucher (Limited)x1

Additionally, you can obtain one of the following items:
Superior Secret Stone Mastery I Elixir x4
Superior Secret Stone Mastery II Elixir x4
Superior Secret Stone Mastery III Elixir x4
Panel Collection (Free choice)x1
Key of Gaia Exchange Voucher VIIx1
Blessed Smithing Scroll x1
Brilliant Mount Stat Shuffle Stone x2
Eidolon Oath Ring x1
Endless - Doomsday Illusion Ring x1
Abyss - Soul Shackles x1
Azure Sky - Ancient Dragon Scales x1

There is a chance to additionally obtain the following items:
Fusion Formula: Path of Inquiry - Soul Chain x1
Fusion Formula: Vast Sky - Eternal Dragon Armor x1
Fusion Formula: Deity's Seal - Fading Moon Illusion Ring x1

All items except Rainbow Coins are tradable.