Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 64820

Legendary 22nd Anniversary Celebration Snack Box (Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

It's a snack box designed to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of X-Legend.

Right-click to use and obtain the following items:
Title - Legend Fanatic (Non-tradable) x1
Giant Isopod Ramen x1
Aura Kingdom 2000 Loyalty points x1
Fashion Reassembly Potion (Non-tradable) x1
Superior Pet Reshuffling Potion (Non-tradable) x1
Xiaoqiao's Exchange Voucher (Non-tradable) x1
Da Qiao's Exchange Voucher (Non-tradable) x1
Master's Emblem Connection (1-Day) x1