AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Caustic Queen> Maro - 47 Elite Monster
<Cautious> Rosella - 1 General
<Cavalry Paladin> Zibo - 99 Boss Monster
<Cavalry Paladin> Zibo - 99 Boss Monster
<Celestial Dragon Chief> Astral Dragon 110 Boss Monster
<Celestial Guardian> Aidan 99 General Monster
<Cenobite King> Trollclops - 99 Boss Monster
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 105 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Princess> Alcippe - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Chieftain> Hippocrates - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Chieftain> Hippocrates - 105 General
<Centaur Tribe Elder> Kaspar - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Elder> Kaspar - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Sorcerer> Jostein - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Sorcerer> Jostein - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Sorcerer> Jostein - 1 General
<Centaur Tribe Villager> Rhiannon - 1 General
<Centurion> Goliath - 52 Elite Monster
<Chamber of Commerce Leader> Pedro 99 Boss Monster
<Chamber of Commerce Manager> Durango - 99 General
<Chamber of Commerce Manager> Durango - 99 General
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 82 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 60 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 60 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 45 General
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 40 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 35 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 83 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun - 25 General
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun - 99 Elite Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 90 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 50 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 50 Boss Monster
<Champion of the Slain> Sigrun 50 Boss Monster
<Chaos Conjurer> Naliya 77 Elite Monster
<Chaos Demon> Kazimov 93 Boss Monster
<Chaos Demon> Kazimov 93 Boss Monster
<Chaotic Darkness> Shenoute - 55 Elite Monster
<Chaotic Darkness> Shenoute - 55 Elite Monster
<Chaotic Robot> Seeker L-Type - 33 Elite Monster
<Charge of the Pigs> Kihatan 126 Boss Monster
<Charging Horn> Damian - 77 Elite Monster
<Charm Queen Follower> Pyatic 65 Boss Monster