AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Red Spotlight - 78 General Monster
Blue Spotlight - 78 General Monster
Crate Containing Sealed Biggof - 63 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Naliya - 63 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Ranya - 63 Interactive Object
Egg Containing Sealed Roli - 63 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Olmino - 63 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Mandisa - 63 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Blessa - 63 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Gullah - 63 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Calona - 62 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Rumeon - 62 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Zagon - 62 Interactive Object
Egg Containing Sealed Marco - 62 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Dinglebert - 62 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Michelle - 62 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Darlak - 62 Interactive Object
Egg Containing Sealed Beyeta - 62 Interactive Object
<Bigfoot> Biggof - 77 Elite Monster
<Chaos Conjurer> Naliya 77 Elite Monster
<Shrouded> Ranya - 77 Elite Monster
<Raging Blizzard> Roli 75 Elite Monster
<Sanguine Wing> Olmino 75 Elite Monster
<Spiteful Skeleton> Mandisa 71 Elite Monster
<Hell Hound> Blessa 71 Elite Monster
<Horned Slayer> Gullah - 74 Elite Monster
<Scarlet Claw> Calona 69 Elite Monster
<Spiked Spine> Rumeon - 66 Elite Monster
<Axe Raider> Zagon - 66 Elite Monster
<Flesh Ripper> Marco - 65 Elite Monster
<Giant Horn> Dinglebert - 64 Elite Monster
<Listener> Michelle 63 Elite Monster
<Deadly Seed> Darlak - 65 Elite Monster
<Cruel Poacher> Beyeta 66 Elite Monster
Dreaming Torian - 78 General
Dreaming Fenrir 78 Boss Monster
Waking Fenrir - 78 General
Sleeping Torian - 78 General
Sleeping Fenrir - 78 General
Wild Oxen - 80 General Monster
<Damage Reduction> Fruit Slush - 82 General Monster
<Stun Surrounding Enemies> Braised Eel - 82 General Monster
<Recover HP> Alpine Vegetable Soup - 82 General Monster
<Increase DMG> Dragon Leg Stew - 82 General Monster
Electric Displacement Field - 76 General Monster
Electrode Ray - 76 General Monster
Lightning Conductor - 78 General Monster
Lightning Conductor - 78 Interactive Object
Box of Ultrasonic Bombs - 78 Interactive Object
Intoxicating Wine Puddle - 78 General