AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Knarled Tree Stump - 1 Interactive Object
Pile of Kindling - 1 Interactive Object
Notebook Pages - 1 Interactive Object
Snowbank - 1 Interactive Object
<Templar Commander> Andre - 1 General
Girl Theia - 1 General
Nidhogg - 1 General
<Templar> Alex - 1 General
<Blood Spider Queen> Tavana - 1 General
Little Boy Tim - 1 General
Santa Tyr - 1 General
Strange Treasure Chest - 1 Interactive Object
Abandoned Wishing Tree - 1 Interactive Object
Little Girl Nicole - 1 General
Pet Trainer Lunderson - 1 General
Barbecue Fire - 1 General
<Grass Kingdom Eternal Elder> Yeshe - 1 General
Santa Ayako - 1 General
<Grass Kingdom Trainee Priest> Moe - 1 General
<Grass Kingdom Head Wizard> Rehia - 1 General
<Grass Kingdom Great Hero> Zinnia - 1 General
Invisible Monster for Curses - 1 General
Giant Maize - 1 Interactive Object
Raptor Egg - 1 Interactive Object
Meat on the Bone - 1 Interactive Object
Residual Evil Scent - 1 Interactive Object
Juicy Pumpkin - 1 General
Carved Pumpkin - 1 Interactive Object
Special Candy Bag - 1 Interactive Object
Herb Bushel - 1 Interactive Object
Fog of Greed - 1 Summoned Object
Purifying Aura - 1 Summoned Object
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
Shadow Amethyst - 1 General
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
8 man Portal - 1 General
3 man Portal - 1 General
2 man Portal - 1 General
Boss Portal - 1 General
<Divine Descendant> Isai - 1 General
Small Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Medium Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Large Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Small Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Medium Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Large Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Caiden - 1 General
<Ghostweep Chameleon> Gekasso - 1 General
Bluebird - 1 General
Medicinal Herbs Bushel - 1 Interactive Object