AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Miasmic Serpent> Quelkulan 60 Boss Monster
Master Star Caller Wendy - 60 General
Giant Tribe Portal - 60 General
<Emerald Tempest> Yarnaros 60 Boss Monster
<Trampling Thunder> Bahadur 60 Boss Monster
Human Village Portal - 60 General
Hunting Ground Portal - 60 General
Frigid Zone Portal - 60 General
<Farmer> Seymour - 60 General
<Giant> Guli - 60 General
<Giant> Kukuri - 60 General
<Giant> Babur - 60 General
<Giants' Chief> Okanda - 60 General
<Nine-Tailed Vixen> Kotonoha 60 Boss Monster
<Human> Mindaugas - 60 General
<Human> Rapunzel - 60 General
<Human> Norbu - 60 General
<Human Leader> Neal - 60 General
<Feline Emperor> Tigerius Caesar 60 Boss Monster
Raised Mound - 60 General
Growing Small Bush - 60 General
<Melody Sprite> Lumina - 60 General
<Mistress of Moonshadow> Cesela 60 Boss Monster
<Evil Merman> Aeces - 60 General
<Venomous Treant> Deena - 60 General
<Hollow Demon> Gadiya - 60 General
<Melody Sprite> Lumina - 60 General
To the Legendary Battle Portal - 60 General
<Hell Hound> Cerberus - 60 General
<地獄魔犬> 賽伯拉斯 - 60 General
Calm Little Ghost - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
<Pandemonium Chieftain> Karon - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
<Hell Hound> Cerberus - 60 General
<Hell Hound> Cerberus - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Netherworld Stone Column - 60 General
Little Ghost - 60 General
<Pandemonium Chieftain> Karon - 60 General
<Pandemonium Chieftain> Karon - 60 General
To Vulture's Vale - 60 General
Master Whipmaster Marie - 60 General
<Thirsty> Shikome - 60 General
<Peckish> Shikome - 60 General
<Gluttonous> Shikome - 60 General