AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Divine Diva> Muse - 110 General
X- Legend 20th Anniversary Celebration Billboard - 110 General
<Heroic Glory> Tyr - 110 General
Transfer Crystal - 110 General
<Timekeeper> Kelonis - 110 General
<Imperial Sprite Swordmaiden> Muramasa - 110 General
<Instant Love Bow> Venus - 110 General
<Thunder Apostle> Sors - 110 General
<Lady Styx> Izanami - 110 General
<Goddess of Youth> Hebe - 110 General
<Snow Sprite> Eirene - 110 General
<Caring Forest Fairy> Demeter - 110 General
<King of Pandemonium> Hades - 110 General
<Hell Hound> Cerberus - 110 General
<Goddess of Eternity> Idun - 110 General
Steel Altar - 110 General
Raging Altar - 110 General
傳奇19週年慶看板 - 110 General
Uzuriel's Cyclone 110 General
<Calamity Dragon> Nidhogg - 110 General
Altar of Earthy Blessing - 110 General
Legendary 17th Anniversary Billboard - 110 General
Legendary 17th Anniversary Billboard (Japanese Version) - 110 General
Give BUFF Limpid Monster - 110 General
<Heroic Glory> Santa Tyr - 110 General
<Lupine Gourmand> Santa Ayako - 110 General
X-Legend 22nd Anniversary Celebration Board - Acorn - 110 General
X-Legend 22nd Anniversary Celebration Board - Harvest Year - 110 General
<Dragon Tyrant> Alucard - 110 General
School of Fish - 110 General
Legendary 21st Anniversary Celebration Banner - 110 General
<Nine-Tailed Vixen> Kotonoha - 110 General
School of Fish - 110 General
傳奇19週年慶看板 - 110 General
<Wings of Happiness> Qingniao - 110 General
<Moonlight Maiden> Serena - 110 General
<Imperial Sprite Swordmaiden> Festival Muramasa - 110 General
<God's Messenger> Hermes - 110 General
<Bloodthirsty Baroness> Elizabeth - 110 General
<Lightning Queen> Seiryuu - 110 General
<Succubus' Speech> Aoandon - 110 General
<Charming Love> Succubus - 110 General
<Bringer of Light> Bealdor - 110 General
Legendary 18th Anniversary Billboard - 110 General
Legendary 18th Anniversary Billboard (Japanese Version) - 110 General
Stone Circle - 110 General
Moonsnow Ice Whale - 110 General
<Fiery Angel> Uriel - 110 General
Shiny Dragon Egg - 110 General
Anniversary Billboard B - 110 General