AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Villager Ada - 1 General
<Templar> Odum Ryan - 1 General
Villager Ada - 1 General
Well-cared-for Tombstone - 1 General
Scattered Artemisia - 1 Interactive Object
Chief of Stone Hammer Amon - 1 General
<Explorer King> Isaias - 1 General
Lovable Greta - 1 General
Dragon Egg - 1 General
Scientist Artie - 1 General
Trade Group Member Tayna - 1 General
<Eastern Food Vendor> Spike - 1 General
Scientist Artie - 1 General
Sharon - 1 General
Incantation Totem - 1 General
Maiden Tia - 1 General
Little Triceragon - 1 General
Soldier - 1 General
Knight Blacksmith Analisa - 1 General
Gervais - 1 General
Gaia - 1 General
Weapon Pile - 1 Interactive Object
Scattered Weapons - 1 Interactive Object
Hunters Group Commander Dallan - 1 General
Energy Fruit - 1 Interactive Object
Fertile Mound - 1 Interactive Object
Deceased Treasure Hunter - 1 Interactive Object
Archaeologist Bermuda - 1 General
Researcher Morris - 1 General
Forbidden Treant - 1 General Monster
Peppermint Grass - 1 Interactive Object
Photography Crystal - 1 Interactive Object
Desert Jerboa - 1 General
Biologist Boris - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
Investigation Device - 1 General
Knarled Tree Stump - 1 Interactive Object
Pile of Kindling - 1 Interactive Object
Investigator Derek - 1 General
Gaia Spirit (Animation) - 1 General
Energy Detector - 1 General
Notebook Pages - 1 Interactive Object
Snowbank - 1 Interactive Object
Forbidden Arcane - 1 General Monster
<Templar Commander> Andre - 1 General
<Performance Master> Liberius - 1 General