AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Cirrus Vein - 1 General
Spectral Vein - 1 General
Never Never Vein - 1 General
Positive Electricity - 1 General
Negative Electricity - 1 General
Vermilion - 1 General
Eligos - 1 General
Benkei - 1 General
Chiyu - 1 General
Trap - 1 Summoned Object
Delicious Vegetables - 1 Summoned Object
Fresh Lobster - 1 Summoned Object
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
8 man Portal - 1 General
3 man Portal - 1 General
2 man Portal - 1 General
Boss Portal - 1 General
<Divine Descendant> Isai - 1 General
Small Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Medium Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Large Black Marsh 1 Summoned Object
Small Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Medium Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Large Black Marsh (Sustainable) 1 Summoned Object
Caiden - 1 General
<Ghostweep Chameleon> Gekasso - 1 General
Bluebird - 1 General
Medicinal Herbs Bushel - 1 Interactive Object
Four O'Clock Flower Bush - 1 Interactive Object
Glittering Ore - 1 General
Shadow Vortex 1 Summoned Object
Grilled Organic Corn - 1 Interactive Object
Abyss Portal 1 Summoned Object
Shadow Vortex 1 Summoned Object
<Otherworld Demon Glutton> Gainey - 1 General
Mustard Grass - 1 Interactive Object
Reaction Point - 1 Interactive Object
Christmas Alice - 1 General
Grilled Cotton Candy - 1 Interactive Object
Randomly Moving Monster - 1 General Monster
Escaped Sheep - 1 General
Jack-o-Lantern - 1 General
<Thing That Should Not Be> Elbaman - 1 General
Shadow Amethyst - 1 General
Spore Swirl 1 Summoned Object
Unaffected by the Evil Aura - 1 General
Fog of Greed - 1 Summoned Object
<Lavalord> Soreth - 1 General
Purifying Aura - 1 Summoned Object
Shadow Amethyst - 1 General