AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Blue Spotlight - 78 General Monster
Red Spotlight - 78 General Monster
Fenrir - 78 General
Demonic Sentry 78 General Monster
Hellhound Sentry 78 General Monster
Aerial Patroller 78 General Monster
Tainted Mushroom Giant 78 General Monster
Demonic Patroller 78 General Monster
Demonic Royal Guard 78 General Monster
Dark Fortress Guard 78 General Monster
Dark Fortress Guard Captain - 78 Elite Monster
Ice Origin - 78 General
<Basic Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<Advanced Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<Final Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<First Form> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Advanced Form> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Final Form> Artillery Tower - 78 General
Sea of Fire - 78 General Monster
<Final Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<Final Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<Recovery Equipment> Artillery Tower - 78 General
Darkness Origin - 78 General
Temporary Stronghold - 78 General
Lightning Origin - 78 General
Holy Light Origin - 78 General
<Anti-Aircraft> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Support Robot> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Combat Robot> Artillery Tower - 78 General
Combat Equipment - 78 General
Armor - 78 General
<Combat Equipment> Artillery Tower - 78 General
Temporary Stronghold - 78 General
6th Wave of Shadow Disciples 78 General Monster
7th Wave of Shadow Disciples 78 General Monster
Wasteland Hellcat - 78 General Monster
Ferocious Hellcat - 78 General Monster
Giant Soldier Ant - 78 General Monster
Impaler Soldier Ant - 78 General Monster
<Ferocious Giant Ant> Ribbitt 78 Elite Monster
<Blueblood> Paroyagi - 78 Elite Monster
Mushroom Corporal - 78 Elite Monster
6th Wave of Shadow Disciples 78 General Monster
7th Wave of Shadow Disciples 78 General Monster
Frost Flow - 78 General Monster
Resurrector 78 General Monster
Demonic Resurrecter 78 Elite Monster
<Abyssal Beast> Guzigla 78 Boss Monster
Resurrector 78 General Monster
Demonic Resurrecter 78 Elite Monster