AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
iceTransparent Monster 125 General Monster
Frost Star - Transparent Monster 125 General Monster
Dreamflower Ball - 125 General Monster
Ice CrystalFragments 125 General Monster
Explosive Stone 127 General Monster
Pure Crystal - 121 Elite Monster
Goat Oil Pile - - General Monster
Mixed fiber - 99 General Monster
Drifted Objects - - General Monster
Ash - - General Monster
Lemon Herb - 99 Interactive Object
Abandoned God Treasure Chest - 125 Boss Monster
Abandoned God's Hundred Treasure Box - 125 Boss Monster
Abandon Mysterious Treasure Chest - 125 Boss Monster
Abandon the mysterious realm Treasure Chest. - 125 Boss Monster
<Determined Destiny> - 1 General
Nightlight Piece of Rock - 99 Interactive Object
Meteor Transparent Monster - 123 General Monster
Transparent Monster of the Apocalypse - 123 General Monster
Disaster Tower - 123 General Monster
Mudling 122 General Monster
Flaming Fire Monster 122 Elite Monster
<Reversible Destiny> - 1 General
Transparent Monster of Love Curse - 124 General Monster
Transparent Monster of Broken Love - 124 General Monster
Cracked Abyss Transparent Monster - 124 General Monster
Transparent Monster with Sword Qi - 125 General Monster
Abandoned Crate - 99 Interactive Object
<Illusory Destiny> Talamund 121 Boss Monster
Transparent Monster from the Abyss of Hell - 125 General Monster
Transparent Monster of the Shura Way - 125 General Monster
The Sin of Brutality 125 General Monster
Disaster of Jealousy 125 General Monster
Demon Sheep Milk - 20 General Monster
Bottle of Greed 125 General Monster
Gluttony Seed 125 General Monster
Heart of Lust 125 General Monster
Crystal of Laziness 125 General Monster
Medical Supplies - 99 Interactive Object
Meteor Transparent Monster - 123 General Monster
Transparent Monster of the Apocalypse - 123 General Monster
Disaster Tower - 123 General Monster
<Ash Demon General> Dagu 126 Boss Monster
Mudling 125 General Monster
Flaming Fire Monster 125 Elite Monster
Transparent Monster of Love Curse - 124 General Monster
Holy Alessa - 75 General Monster
Transparent Monster of Broken Love - 124 General Monster
Cracked Abyss Transparent Monster - 124 General Monster
Transparent Monster with Sword Aura - 125 General Monster