AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Bringer of Light> Bealdor - 1 General
<Bringer of Light> Bealdor - 1 General
<Bringer of Light> Bealdor 80 Boss Monster
<Bringer of Darkness> Halthim 120 Boss Monster
<Bringer of Darkness> Halthim 80 Boss Monster
<Brimstone Walker> Vachnam - 1 General
<Brimstone Walker> Vachnam - 95 Boss Monster
<Brimstone Walker> Vachnam - 105 General
<Brimstone Walker> Vachnam - 78 Boss Monster
<Brimstone Walker> Cursed Vachnam - 110 Boss Monster
<Brilliant Treasure Mountain> Normal Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Brilliant Treasure Mountain> Magic Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Brilliant Treasure Mountain> Legendary Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bride> Melody - 1 General
<Brevis Newcomer> Indiana Tones - 1 General
<Brevis Clerk> Junior - 1 General
<Brevis Battlers> Chief Controller Montero - 60 Boss Monster
<Brevis Battlers> Chief Controller Montero - 60 General
<Brevis Battlers> Battle Controller Saffron - 60 General
<Brevis Battlers> Battle Controller Saffron - 60 Boss Monster
<Brevis Battlers> Battle Controller Renault - 60 Boss Monster
<Brevis Battlers> Battle Controller Renault - 60 General
<Brawner Park> Tour Guide - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Tour Guide - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Staff - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Staff - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Principal Hamon - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Doctor Crow - 99 General
<Brawner Park> Doctor Crow - 99 General
<Bounty Hunter> Arieh - 99 General
<Boundary Buster> Gaito - 118 Boss Monster
<Boss of Spirits> Drogo - 30 General Monster
<Bored> Castle Master - 99 General
<Border General> Wayers - 95 General
<Border General> Wayers - 95 Boss Monster
<Border General> Waver's - 95 General
<Border General> Waver's - 95 General
<Border Authority> Teresa - 60 General
<Bookish Knight> Amy - 1 General
<Bombing Expert> Magical Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bombing Expert> Legendary Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bombing Expert> Flawless Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bombing Expert> Epic Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bombing Expert> Common Secret Chest - 99 Boss Monster
<Bob-a-Ball> Gael - 1 General
<Blueblood> Paroyagi - 78 Elite Monster
<Blue-eyed troll> Gunus - 110 Elite Monster
<Blue Fury Stone Monster> Rook - 107 Elite Monster
<Blossoming Sprite> Greedcurse 118 Boss Monster
<Blossoming Sprite> Greedcurse - 125 General Monster