AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Ancient Dragonborn> Zika 113 Boss Monster
<Ancient Dragon> Zika 113 Boss Monster
<Ancient Dragon> Thornton 104 Boss Monster
<Ancient Dragon> Thornton 104 Boss Monster
<Ancient Demon Lord> Bisolen - 1 General
<Ancient Demon Lord> Bisolen - 1 General
<Ancient Demon Lord> Bisolen 99 Boss Monster
<Ancient Demon Lord> Banoleth 99 Boss Monster
<Ancient Demon Lord> Banoleth - 1 General
<Ancient Demon Lord> Banoleth - 1 General
<Ancient Demon General> Nemeon 68 Boss Monster
<Ancient Demon General> Nemeon 68 General Monster
<Ancient Demon General> Nemeon 68 Boss Monster
<Ancient Crocodile> Irving - 40 Boss Monster
<Ancient Crocodile> Irving - 35 Boss Monster
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Ancient Artifact> Dimensional Shackle - 1 General
<Amethyst Highlands> Daimondo 113 Boss Monster
<Amethyst Golem> Diavolo - 105 General
<Amethyst Golem> Diavolo 97 Boss Monster
<Amethyst Golem> Diavolo 113 Boss Monster
<Amethyst Golem> Diavolo 97 Boss Monster
<Ambassador of the New Year> Theresa - 1 General
<Ambassador of the New Year> Serena's Bunny - 99 General
<Ambassador of the New Year> Julio - 1 General
<Ambassador of Wishes> Olivia - 1 General
<Amateur Treasure Hunter> Pashka - 1 General
<Amateur Pastry Chef> Qian - 1 General
<Altar Guardian> Obru - 1 General
<Altair Star> Alt - 25 General
<Alluring Fragrance> Bayin - 21 Elite Monster
<Alluring Dancer> Blooma 93 Elite Monster
<All Together> Dark Sloping 68 General Monster
<Alien Doctor> Vesper - 1 General
<Alchemy Scholar> Tula - 1 General
<Aged Fairy> Agu - 1 General
<Adventurer> Stone - 1 General
<Adventurer> Regis - 1 General
<Adventurer> Poiseto - 1 General
<Adventurer's Pride> Barbosa - 1 General
<Advanced Form> Stronghold Base - 78 General
<Advanced Form> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Administrator> ?????? 99 Boss Monster
<Abyssal Venom Arachnid> Sabaten 95 Boss Monster
<Abyssal Storm Dragon> Bulaken 95 Boss Monster
<Abyssal Sea Monster> Kraken - 73 Elite Monster