AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Dreamland Sheep - 101 General Monster
Dreamland Sheep - 101 General Monster
Dreamland Sheep - 101 General Monster
Dreamland Sheep - 101 General Monster
Silver Greed Statue - 50 Boss Monster
Golden Greed Statue - 50 Boss Monster
Redemption Holy Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Preparing the Demon Lord for Reincarnation - 1 Summoned Object
Remorseful Demon Lord - 1 Summoned Object
Guilty Demon Lord - 1 Summoned Object
Fury's Wraith 19 General Monster
Grant Calm State of Mind Skills to Aperture Transparent Monster. 1 General
Give Rage an outlet with ApertureTransparent Monster. 1 General
Treasure Box - 25 Interactive Object
Treasure Box - 25 Interactive Object
Treasure Box - 25 Interactive Object
Rockslide Limpid Monster - 19 General Monster
The Big Pot of God's Food - 1 General
Box filled with food - 50 Interactive Object
Hungry Ghost - 99 General Monster
Hungry Ghost - 99 General Monster
Flame Crystal 113 General Monster
Demon Servant - 112 General Monster
Charging Device - EVA - 111 General Monster
Charging Device - DEF - 111 General Monster
Charging Device - SPD - 111 General Monster
Charging Device - CRIT - 111 General Monster
Charging Device - ATK - 111 General Monster
Trap Monster - 115 General Monster
Pestilent Limpid Monster 115 General Monster
Dragon Whelp Clone 113 Elite Monster
Poisonous Mist Mushroom 112 General Monster
Reversal Punishment Treant 112 Elite Monster
Hell Grass Sprout 111 General Monster
Cursed Flowertrap 110 General Monster
Requiem Nymph 110 General Monster
<Fallen Spirit Song> Alo Ser 115 Boss Monster
<Mourner's End> Dragon Clan Weapon 114 Boss Monster
<Ancient Dragonborn> Zika 113 Boss Monster
<Joyous Romp> Ruins Imp 45 General Monster
Plant - 60 General Monster
<Tea Party Queen> Alice - 60 General Monster
Hermit Grass - 99 Interactive Object
Urd Tea - 99 Interactive Object
Bulbird Egg - 99 Interactive Object
Poisonous Swamp - 60 General Monster
Bulbird - 60 General Monster
<Mossy Dragon> Fabian - 60 Boss Monster
Gray Monster - 60 Elite Monster
Great Bear - 60 General Monster