AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Anniversary Baking Staff> Lore - 99 General
<Anniversary Butler> Serif - 25 General
<Anniversary Cake Master> Mr. Wong - 1 General
<Anniversary Dessert Master> Auntie May - 25 General
<Anniversary Exchangeable Items> Anniversary Baking Stall - 99 General
<Anniversary Festival Host> Academic Serena - 99 General
<Anniversary Festival Organizer> Finja - 99 General
<Anniversary Festival Staff> Lennox - 1 General
<Anniversary Fireworks Master> Frank - 25 General
<Anniversary Maid> Merrilee - 25 General
<Anti-Aircraft> Artillery Tower - 78 General
<Anticipating Christmas> Lil' Muse - 1 General
<Anxious Melon Farmer> Gordon - 1 General
<Anxious Melon Farmer> Gordon - 1 General
<Anxious Mother> Jessica - 1 General
<Anxious Santa Claus> Nicholas - 1 General
<Anxious Woman> Doreen - 60 General
<Ape of Shadow> Gloford - 101 Boss Monster
<Appreciation Ambassador> Rona - 1 General
<Apprentice Alchemist> Yellen - 1 General
<Apprentice Archeologist> Thais - 1 General
<Apprentice Diviner> Luis - 1 General
<Apprentice Mage> Tao Milan - 1 General
<Approach to light up the Flame> Wolves-despering Flame - 115 General Monster
<Approach to light up the Flame> Wolves-despering Flame - 115 General Monster
<Aqua-Dragon Queen> Lianne Riverwalker - 60 General
<Aqua-Dragon Queen> Lianne Riverwalker 69 Boss Monster
<Aqua-Dragon Queen> Lianne Riverwalker - 60 General
<Aqua-Dragon Queen> Shayanna 130 Boss Monster
<Aquila Platoon Leader> Aquila - 1 General
<Aquila Platoon> Dio - 1 General
<Aquila Platoon> Quentin - 1 General
<Aquila Platoon> Tiffany - 1 General
<Arachnid Queen> Adracei 51 Boss Monster
<Arachnid Queen> Adracei 51 Boss Monster
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Basil - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Basil - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Basil - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Basil - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Daisy - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Daisy - 99 General
<Arcane Magic Pioneer> Daisy - 99 General
<Arcane Reaper> Hadis 104 Elite Monster
<Arcane Reaper> Hadis - 1 General
<Arcane Reaper> Hadis - 1 General
<Arcanum Saber Tooth> Webster 95 General Monster
<Arcanum Saber Tooth> Webster 98 Elite Monster
<Archaeologists> Rib eye - 1 General
<Archaeology Granny> Mona - 1 General
<Archaeology Professor> Olmek - 1 General