AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Fled Sheep - 1 General
Crossbreed Bat - 1 General
Magic Box - 1 General
Magic Box - 1 General
<Astronomer> Woodlandia - 1 General
Patchwork Robot - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
<Sprint Warrior> Swift Runner - 1 General
Scrapped Mech Soldier - 1 General
<Warrior Scholar> Honmura Yume - 1 General
<Power Warrior> Gravity King - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Giant Rock Pile - 1 General
Rock Pile On the Mountain - 1 General
<Wicked Big Boss> Great Miser - 1 General
<Darkwater Scout> Black Fur Dragon - 1 General
Legendary Craftsman - 1 General
Performance Stage - 1 General
<Freezing Point Chef> Freeze Bro - 1 General
Savage Stone Turtle - 1 General
<Redeem Angel> Amy - 1 General
<Archeology Bachelor> Ari Jones - 1 General
<Dig Foreman> Sashabu - 1 General
Ancient Machine Engineer - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
<Seafood Boss> Afisher - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Giant Active Rock Pile - 1 General
<Forest Conservationist> Humi Deng - 1 General
Nameless Tombstone - 1 General
<Nameless Wraith> Momo - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
<Chosen Priest> Gannoka - 1 General
Spiny Crocodile - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
<Lion Tribe Hostage> Daidair - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
<Seer> Dinaya - 1 General
Wood Pile - 1 General
Wood Pile - 1 General
Invisible Target - 1 General
For Path Only - 1 General
For Path Only - 1 General
Reserved - 1 General
Injured Collector - 1 General
Craftsman Augustus - 1 General
General Assembly Organizer Alain - 1 General
Assembly Announcer Old Tom - 1 General
Enthusiastic Audience - 1 General