AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Greenhorn - EVA +14 General Quest
Eccentric Uncle - DMG +56 General Quest
Ghostwriter - HP +65 General Quest
Pet Lover - DMG +56 General Quest
Flight Attendant - CRIT +14 General Quest
Fashion Fan - HP +65 General Quest
Ask-Notter - EVA +14 General Quest
Rice Royalty - DMG +56 General Quest
Runaway - CRIT +14 General Quest
Geek in Love - HP +65 General Quest
Eggs-tremist - EVA +14 General Quest
Posteriorator - DMG +56 General Quest
Lost Bling - HP +65 General Quest
Dante Devotee 1 Card Duel
Harmonia Devotee 1 Card Duel
Harmonia Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Zashi Devotee 1 Card Duel
Zashi Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Muse Devotee 1 Card Duel
Muse Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Johnny on the Spot 1 HP +30 Instance
Customer Service Rep 1 DMG +15 Instance
Lumikki Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Academic Eternia Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Lumikki Devotee 1 Card Duel
Forest Monster Slayers 85 DMG +22 Rare Monsters
Dominators of the Desert 85 DMG +22 Rare Monsters
Fantasy Magic 85 Treasure Hunter
Chivalrous Knight 85 Treasure Hunter
Freedom is most costly 85 DMG +58 General Quest
Sweet Trap 85 CRIT +15 General Quest
A waste of talent 85 HP +70 General Quest
Childhood Dream 85 EVA +15 General Quest
Incentive Master 85 DMG +58 General Quest
Endless enthusiasm 85 CRIT +15 General Quest
To be a magician 85 HP +70 General Quest
Angel's face and devil's heart 85 EVA +15 General Quest
Parenting 85 DMG +58 General Quest
I Want You 85 HP +70 General Quest
Deep rivers move in silence 85 DMG +58 General Quest
Perceptiveness 85 CRIT +15 General Quest
I believe you 85 HP +70 General Quest
Never stop dreaming 85 EVA +15 General Quest
No response 85 DMG +58 General Quest
Tyr is my favorite 1 Card Duel
Battlefield Frustration 85 CRIT +15 General Quest
I want to be a pet master 85 HP +70 General Quest
Treat your illness 85 EVA +15 General Quest
Happy Carnival 85 DMG +58 General Quest
The lovers are finally together 85 HP +70 General Quest