AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.
Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Healing Light of an Angel | - | DMG +10 CRIT +10 SPD +10 HP +10 DEF +10 EVA +10 |
Eidolons |
Hear Me Out | 66 | CRIT +10 | General Quest |
Heard but not Understood | 110 | HP +75 | General Quest |
Heart Piercer | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Heart of Serenity | 110 | HP +120 | Quest |
Heart of Shattered Glass | 101 | DMG +27 | Instance |
Heart of the Sea | 1 | Instance | |
Heart's Desire | 60 | Sky Tower | |
Heartbreak Casanova | 66 | HP +72 | Instance |
Heartbroken | 115 | DMG +20 | Instance |
Heartfelt Defender | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Heatwave | 95 | Instance | |
Heaven Sent | 60 | EVA +8 | Eidolons |
Heaven-Sent | 1 | Eidolons | |
Heavenly Demon | 130 | DMG +31 | Instance |
Heavenly Throw | - | DMG +10 CRIT +10 SPD +10 HP +10 DEF +10 EVA +10 |
Eidolons |
Hebe Fanatic | 1 | Card Duel | |
Height Advantage | 1 | Archaeology | |
Heisenbird | 70 | HP +80 | Alchemy |
Hel Devotee | 1 | Card Duel | |
Hel Fanatic | 1 | Card Duel | |
Hell Ahead | 1 | DMG +100 CRIT +100 SPD +100 HP +100 DEF +100 EVA +100 |
Event |
Hell Calls Your Number | 1 | Eidolons | |
Hell Commander | 1 | Eidolons | |
Hell Knight | 60 | Sky Tower | |
Hell Nova | 125 | HP +120 | Quest |
Hell's Journey | 30 | HP +25 | General Quest |
Hell: Final Chapter | 1 | DMG +50 CRIT +50 SPD +50 HP +50 DEF +50 EVA +50 |
Event |
Hellbard | 130 | CRIT +16 | General Quest |
Hellfire | 125 | HP +41 | Instance |
Hellhound | 1 | Eidolons | |
Hellish Imperator | 1 | DMG +61 | Instance |
Hello, Are You Collecting? | 1 | Card Collection | |
Helonia Hero | 10 | DMG +6 | Rare Monsters |
Herb Collector | 50 | CRIT +8 | General Quest |
Heretic | 15 | DMG +12 | General Quest |
Hermes Devotee | 1 | Card Duel | |
Hermes Fanatic | 1 | Card Duel | |
Hermit | 101 | EVA +17 | Good Listener |
Hermit Divine Whip Refining Craftsman | - | Refining | |
Hero | 40 | CRIT +90 | PvP |
Hero of Justice | 25 | EVA +4 | General Quest |
Hero's Courage | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Hero's Fortitude | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Hero's Haste | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Hero's Regret | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Hero's Whisper | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Heroic Afterglow | 101 | Treasure Hunter | |
Heroic Soul | 60 | Instance | |
Heroic Soul Crown | - | DMG +10 CRIT +10 SPD +10 HP +10 DEF +10 EVA +10 |
Eidolons |