AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Drunkard 20 CRIT +4 General Quest
Superstitious 20 HP +20 General Quest
King of the Ring 20 EVA +4 General Quest
Pilgrim 20 DMG +16 General Quest
Flower Child 20 HP +20 General Quest
Energetic 30 DMG +20 General Quest
Resourceful 1 Treasure Hunter
Burning 30 HP +25 General Quest
Ro-Bro 30 EVA +5 General Quest
Master of Meditations 30 DMG +20 General Quest
Botanist 30 CRIT +5 General Quest
Iron Man 30 HP +25 General Quest
Mermaid Watcher 30 EVA +5 General Quest
Kung-Fu Grip 1 Treasure Hunter
One of the Seven 30 DMG +20 General Quest
Fatally Beautiful 30 HP +25 General Quest
Miner 40 DMG +24 General Quest
Mad Bomber 40 CRIT +6 General Quest
Lake Deity 40 HP +30 General Quest
Lion Tamer 40 EVA +6 General Quest
The Left and Right Hand of the Soul 1 Instance
Sentimental 40 DMG +24 General Quest
Diamond in the Rough 40 CRIT +6 General Quest
The Menace 40 HP +30 General Quest
Tour Guide 40 EVA +6 General Quest
The Eggcellent 40 DMG +24 General Quest
Cleaner 40 HP +30 General Quest
The Dreamer 45 DMG +28 General Quest
Going for the Eyes 45 CRIT +7 General Quest
Dragonslayer 45 HP +35 General Quest
Grail Knight 45 EVA +7 General Quest
Momotaro 45 DMG +28 General Quest
The Cold One 45 CRIT +7 General Quest
Sif Fanatic 1 Card Duel
Bird Brain 45 HP +35 General Quest
El Matador 45 EVA +7 General Quest
Master Gourmet 45 DMG +28 General Quest
Deadeye 45 HP +35 General Quest
Babysitter 45 DMG +28 General Quest
Mushroom Expert 45 CRIT +7 General Quest
Sewer Walker 45 HP +35 General Quest
Test Subject 45 EVA +7 General Quest
My Little 45 DMG +28 General Quest
Abyss Gazer 45 CRIT +7 General Quest
Veteran 45 HP +35 General Quest
Called It 45 EVA +7 General Quest
Matchmaker 45 DMG +28 General Quest
Bodyguard 45 HP +35 General Quest
Prairie Prowler 50 DMG +32 General Quest
Gnome Punter 50 CRIT +8 General Quest