AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.
Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Loyal to a Fault | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Flame Revival | 110 | Instance | |
Fire and Ice | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Whack-A-Mole Expert | 110 | Instance | |
Resist the Dark | 125 | HP +50 | Instance |
Fresh | 48 | HP +42 | Instance |
Remnant | 125 | Instance | |
Alchemy Grand Master | 60 | HP +50 | Alchemy |
Wise Pharmacist | 65 | HP +70 | Alchemy |
Sarpa Terminator | 70 | DMG +20 | Instance |
Perseverance | 70 | HP +40 | Instance |
Big | 48 | DMG +30 | Instance |
Argus' Nightmare | 70 | DMG +20 | Instance |
Grieving Dirge | 110 | Instance | |
A Dragon's Depression | 70 | HP +40 | Instance |
Eternal Rest | 110 | Instance | |
I'm sorry. I refuse. | 110 | Instance | |
Rare | 43 | HP +36 | Instance |
Grief Dirge | 110 | Instance | |
Mud Doll | 125 | Instance | |
Enormous Eclipse Rabbit King Destroyer | 75 | SPD +44 EVA +89 |
World Boss |
Dominating Duskfall Dancer Destroyer | 70 | CRIT +41 HP +136 |
World Boss |
A New Start | 115 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Enlarged Lavalord Destroyer | 70 | HP +136 DEF +102 |
World Boss |
Firefigher | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Fall in front of me | 115 | HP +50 | Instance |
Frost Dragon's Pride | 85 | DMG +25 | Instance |
A lot like love | 115 | DMG +61 | Instance |
Snatched | 85 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Life is hard | 115 | DMG +31 | Instance |
Obstacle in the way | 115 | HP +50 | Instance |
Summon the goddess during a ritual | 85 | HP +50 | Instance |
Colossal Cult Leader Destroyer | 75 | DMG +74 CRIT +44 |
World Boss |
Listen to me | 115 | DMG +61 | Instance |
Secretive | 38 | DMG +22 | Instance |
Man with Glamorous Wings | 1 | Instance | |
2021 visitors | 1 | Event | |
Witness of History | 110 | Instance | |
The Scale of Truth | 85 | DMG +31 | Instance |
Bismarck | 60 | DMG +15 | Instance |
Queen's Eternal Blessing | 85 | DMG +61 | Instance |
The Left and Right Hand of Ego | 1 | Instance | |
The Sword of Truth | 85 | DMG +61 | Instance |
Fallen Savior | 85 | DMG +31 | Instance |
Nature's Guardian | 60 | HP +30 | Instance |
Yui's Partner | 999 | Event | |
Undead | 28 | HP +24 | Instance |
History Destroyer | 110 | Instance | |
Final Power | 115 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Doomsday Lament | 110 | Instance |