AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Quick-witted. 120 Instance
Demon Purge Specialist 75 DMG +61 Instance
Shadow Melter 1 Instance
One Heart, One Mind 110 Instance
Shadowsmasher 1 Instance
Scythe for Sore Eyes 75 DMG +31 Instance
Volt Strike 1 Instance
Bright Boundary 101 DMG +61 Instance
Frost Blowing Leader 105 Instance
Eternal Parting 95 DMG +61 Instance
A lot like love 115 DMG +61 Instance
Let's go together! 60 Instance
Cold enough to cry 105 Instance
Life is hard 115 DMG +31 Instance
What's Yours is Mine 95 DMG +31 Instance
Listen to me 115 DMG +61 Instance
Farewell 101 DMG +61 Instance
Eternal Wanderer 1 Character Level
Upon the Sea 1 Instance
Bull-Headed 1 Instance
Spark Plug Counterattack 1 Instance
Demon Rebirth 130 DMG +61 Instance
King of the Dead Butcher 110 Instance
Master Treasure Hunter 1 Archaeology
Master Key Guardian 1 Archaeology
Fearless Exorcist 110 Instance
Go away! 110 DMG +31 Instance
Let's go to Heaven! 110 DMG +61 Instance
Flame in Winter 110 DMG +31 Instance
Master Seal Breaker 1 Archaeology
Winter Battles 110 DMG +61 Instance
Statue Repair Master 1 Archaeology
Dancing in the Rain 60 Instance
Heroic Soul 60 Instance
Alliance Champion 60 Instance
Master Mechanism Dismantler 1 Archaeology
Rampaging Test Subject 110 Instance
Professional Dog Trainer 115 Instance
Six Pack Abs 50 HP +20 Eidolons
Lights Out! 50 CRIT +4 Eidolons
Colossal Cult Leader Destroyer 75 DMG +74
CRIT +44
World Boss
Machine Killer 115 Instance
Powerful Fists 50 EVA +4 Eidolons
Red Lotus Flame 115 Instance
Enormous Eclipse Rabbit King Destroyer 75 SPD +44
EVA +89
World Boss
Grim Reality 50 HP +20 Eidolons
Survivor 110 Instance
Dance Fever 50 CRIT +4 Eidolons
Dominating Duskfall Dancer Destroyer 70 CRIT +41
HP +136
World Boss
Hot Body 50 EVA +4 Eidolons