AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.
Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Until hell. | 120 | DMG +31 | Instance |
Neverender | 1 | Instance | |
Lavalord Leveler | 1 | Instance | |
Victorious | 50 | DMG +34 | Instance |
I've switched to tomato juice, it's less murdery. | 105 | Instance | |
Ends of the Earth | 105 | HP +50 | Instance |
Sweet and Innocent | 1 | Instance | |
Ravishing Demon Queen | 95 | HP +50 | Instance |
Always Together | 110 | Instance | |
Water Dragon Queen | 1 | Instance | |
Master Mechanism Dismantler | 1 | Archaeology | |
Frightening | 50 | HP +48 | Instance |
Big Hearty Laugh | 105 | Instance | |
Silent Enforcer | 85 | Instance | |
Perseverance | 70 | HP +40 | Instance |
Liberate the Slaves | 105 | Instance | |
Researchers | 120 | Instance | |
Blood Frenzy | 105 | Instance | |
Passing Through the Fire | 105 | Instance | |
Strong | 50 | DMG +34 | Instance |
Mastery of Dispelling Darkness | 75 | Instance | |
The Messenger of the End | 120 | DMG +61 | Instance |
I'll Find You | 105 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Love-Chained | 85 | HP +50 | Instance |
Elemental Captain | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Firefigher | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Ravishing Demon Beauty | 95 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Visceral Fat Level 3 | 1 | DMG +25 | Instance |
YOLO | 1 | HP +50 | Instance |
Flowery Flail | 1 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Hot Body | 50 | EVA +4 | Eidolons |
Dragon Hunter | 115 | Instance | |
I'm sorry. I refuse. | 110 | Instance | |
Ancient Descendant | 50 | HP +20 | Eidolons |
Jumping Rabbit Ball Player | 60 | Instance | |
Queen Commander | 1 | HP +50 | Instance |
Just One More Bite | 1 | Instance | |
King of the Dead Butcher | 110 | Instance | |
Dominating Duskfall Dancer Destroyer | 70 | CRIT +41 HP +136 |
World Boss |
Fly High | 105 | Instance | |
Spartan | 40 | EVA +40 | PvP |
Snatched | 85 | DMG +25 | Instance |
Beyond Help | 1 | Instance | |
Adrenaline Junkie | 40 | CRIT +50 | PvP |
Human Air Purifier | 120 | Instance | |
The Magnificent | 1 | Character Level | |
Wise Pharmacist | 65 | HP +70 | Alchemy |
Alchemy Grand Master | 60 | HP +50 | Alchemy |
Wishes Come True | 50 | CRIT +4 | Eidolons |
Frost Blowing Leader | 105 | Instance |