AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.
Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Storyteller | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Skandia Defense Officer | 1 | DMG +4 | Rare Monsters |
Helonia Hero | 10 | DMG +6 | Rare Monsters |
Crescent Conquerer | 20 | DMG +8 | Rare Monsters |
Cactakara Curator | 30 | DMG +10 | Rare Monsters |
Demarech Duelmaster | 40 | DMG +12 | Rare Monsters |
Triatio Tempest | 45 | DMG +14 | Rare Monsters |
Marsh Madness | 45 | DMG +14 | Rare Monsters |
Speak Up! | 50 | DMG +16 | Rare Monsters |
See No Evil | 50 | DMG +16 | Rare Monsters |
Dig It | 50 | DMG +16 | Rare Monsters |
What a Collector! | 1 | Card Collection | |
I Collect Like a Peasant! | 1 | Card Collection | |
Weakling | 1 | Instance | |
Augustus Vanquisher | 1 | Card Duel | |
Not the Real Me | 1 | Instance | |
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot | 1 | Instance | |
Kill 'Em All! | 1 | Instance | |
Zombie Rights | 60 | HP +10 | Instance |
Flashback | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Arborist's Delight | 60 | DMG +5 | Instance |
Scarface | 60 | HP +10 | Instance |
Zombie Expert | 60 | DMG +5 | Instance |
Divine Intervention | 60 | HP +10 | Instance |
Dangerous World | 60 | DMG +5 | Instance |
Hello, Are You Collecting? | 1 | Card Collection | |
The Price is Right | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Pyromaniac | 1 | Sky Tower | |
The Con Artist | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Ever Hear of Deodorant? | 1 | Sky Tower | |
Trypophobia | 1 | Sky Tower | |
One Two (Three) Punch | 50 | DMG +5 | Quest |
Punch Drunk | 50 | DMG +10 | Quest |
Ore Maniac | 50 | HP +10 | Alchemy |
The Quackery | 30 | HP +30 | Alchemy |
Terminator | 1 | Instance | |
Augustus Mk.VII Vanquisher | 1 | Card Duel | |
Best Customer | 1 | Event | |
Maritime Justice | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Breeze Dance | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Lord of the Four Seas | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
The World Is Mine | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
The Cosmopolitan | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Chosen One | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Unmatched Beauty | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Fishing Master | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Aquatic Messenger | 1 | Treasure Hunter | |
Kindergarten | 1 | Instance | |
Forever Young | 1 | Instance | |
Deadsville, USA, Population: You | 1 | Treasure Hunter |