AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Consummate Professional 1 Instance
Upon the Sea 1 Instance
Bull-Headed 1 Instance
Skandia Defense Officer 1 DMG +4 Rare Monsters
What a Collector! 1 Card Collection
The Left and Right Hand of Wisdom 1 Instance
I Collect Like a Peasant! 1 Card Collection
Weakling 1 Instance
Little Miss Innocent 1 Eidolons
Augustus Vanquisher 1 Card Duel
Not the Real Me 1 Instance
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot 1 Instance
Kill 'Em All! 1 Instance
Five Crowns 1 Instance
Taking the Heat 1 Instance
Just a Hallucination 1 Instance
Catch Me If You Can 1 Instance
Nine Lives 1 Instance
Infernal Abyss Conqueror 1 Instance
Katar Crafter 1 Refining
Flashback 1 Sky Tower
Soul-Stealing Axe 1 Treasure Hunter
The Left and Right Hand of Ego 1 Instance
Zap and Yowl 1 Instance
A Beautiful Mistake 1 Rare Monsters
Womanizer 1 Rare Monsters
Hit Me With Your Best Shot 1 Rare Monsters
Flamenco Dancer 1 Rare Monsters
Hello, Are You Collecting? 1 Card Collection
The Price is Right 1 Sky Tower
Pyromaniac 1 Sky Tower
The Con Artist 1 Sky Tower
Ever Hear of Deodorant? 1 Sky Tower
Trypophobia 1 Sky Tower
Bringer of Light 1 Treasure Hunter
Cycloptic Dragon 1 Sky Tower
Elemental Captain 1 Sky Tower
Firefigher 1 Sky Tower
Dragon Slayer 1 Sky Tower
Executioner 1 Treasure Hunter
Fire Fist 1 Treasure Hunter
Slice 'n Dice 1 Treasure Hunter
Two-Pronged Approach 1 Treasure Hunter
Greedykins 1 Refining
The Intellectual 1 Treasure Hunter
The Harpist 1 Treasure Hunter
Angel of Justice 1 Treasure Hunter
Fire and Ice 1 Treasure Hunter
Loyal to a Fault 1 Treasure Hunter
Unprepared 1 Treasure Hunter