Aura Kingdom Zones

Name Level Type
Eidolon Gossip Chapter 14 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Chapter 13 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Chapter 12 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Chapter 11 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Chapter 10 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 8. 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 7 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 6. 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 4. 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 17 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eidolon Gossip Ch. 16 60 Eidolon Gossip
Eclipse Rabbit Cave 1 Special Event
Easter Bunny's Secret Base 1 Special Event
Duelists' Temple 65 Other
Drowsy Cave 101 World Field
Dreamworld 115 General
Dreamland Disturbance 25 World Event
Dreamland Border 1 Fame Quest
Doom Ramps 90 General
Divine Trial II 1 Battlefield
Divine Trial 1 Battlefield
Dimensional Hall (above SLv5) 105 Other
Dimensional Hall (above SLv1) 101 Other
Dimensional Hall (SLv15 and above) 115 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.95+) 95 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.85+) 85 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.75+) 75 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.65+) 65 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.55+) 55 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.45+) 45 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.35+) 35 Other
Dimensional Hall (Lv.20+) 20 Other
Dimensional Belt 1 General
Destroy the Armory (Party) 60 Guild
Desolate Valley 75 World Field
Desolate Valley 1 General
Desolate Desert 90 World Field
Desolate Desert 25 World Event
Demon King Fantasy Tale Fourteen: Battle of the Secret Treasure 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasy Tale Fifteen - Battle at the Summit 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies XIII - Break Free 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies XII: Tribal Battle 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies X: Battle of Ambition 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies Wilderness Battle 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies War of Mourning 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies War of Destruction 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies VIII: The Oath Battle 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies VII: War of Loyalty 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies VI: Battle of Roars 95 Demon King Fantasies
Demon King Fantasies Revival Battle 80 Demon King Fantasies