Aura Kingdom Zones

Name Level Type
Nightmare - Gate of the Spirit Realm (Solo) 110 Nightmare
Nightmare - Eerie Mine (Five-Person Mode) 110 Nightmare
Nightmare - Eerie Mine (Single Player Mode) 110 Nightmare
Nightmare - Grief Requiem (Party) 110 Nightmare
Frost Realm (Hell Mode) 110 Main Plot
Swamp Forest (Hell Mode) 110 Main Plot
Nightmare - Grief Requiem (Solo) 110 Nightmare
Nightmare: Doom of Despair (Party) 110 Nightmare
Nightmare: Doom of Despair (Solo) 110 Nightmare
Thundering Abyss (Solo mode) 110 Abyss
Swamp Forest (Party) 110 Main Plot
Thundering Abyss (Party Mode) 110 Abyss
Silent Hill 110 World Field
Frost Realm (Solo Hard) 110 Main Plot
Nightmare - Ancient Cliff Temple (Party) 110 Nightmare
Battlefield Memories 110 General
Silent Hill 110 General
Snow Lantern Village 110 General
Bond - Ruin Ashes (Duo) 110 Bond
Holy Water Puddle 110 General
Frost Realm (Party) 110 Main Plot
Nightmare Illusionary Realm - Awakening of Fel Energy (5-player) 110 Other
Nightmare - Ancient Cliff Temple (Solo) 110 Nightmare
Lumeria Temple 110 General
Swamp Forest (Solo) 110 Main Plot
Frost Realm (Solo) 110 Main Plot
Bond - Otherworld Link (Duo) 110 Bond
Bond - Secret Grass Kingdom (2-Players) 110 Bond
Glowing Floodplain 110 World Field
OW: Tree Cave (Solo Hard) 115 Otherworld: Main Plot
Deep Hidden Valley 115 General
OW: Obscure Temple (Party) 115 Otherworld: Main Plot
Snow Crystal Plains 115 General
OW: Tree Cave (Solo) 115 Otherworld: Main Plot
Blue Valley Secret Realm (Hell Mode) 115 Main Plot
Dimensional Hall (SLv15 and above) 115 Other
OW: Cactakara Forest (Hell Mode) 115 Otherworld: World Field
Blue Valley Secret Realm (Solo) 115 Main Plot
Deer Valley (Solo) 115 Main Plot
Snow Crystal Plains 115 World Field
Deep Hidden Valley 115 World Field
Blood Lord's Daemonium 115 Demon King's Treasure
Deer Valley (Party) 115 Main Plot
OW: Cactakara Forest (Solo Hard) 115 Otherworld: World Field
Blue Valley Secret Realm (Party) 115 Main Plot
Snow Crystal Plains 115 General
Deer Valley (Hell Mode) 115 Main Plot
Deer Valley (Solo Hard) 115 Main Plot
Blue Valley Secret Realm (Solo Hard) 115 Main Plot
OW: Tree Cave (Hell) 115 Otherworld: Main Plot