AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Achievements

Name Reward Type
Not an Ugly Duckling (Daily) -
Restricting each other (Daily) -
Dream Fay defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Lonely Stag defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Sun Parrot defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Frigid Werewolf King defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Pure Ferret defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Calamity Ice Sprite defeated!
Daily Top Kills
Immortal (Daily) -
Age is not a problem (Daily) -
Inequality (Daily) -
Malicious sweetness (Daily) -
Reap the fruit of labor (Daily) -
Knowledge is power (Daily) -
Flowery memories (Daily) -
Holy Tree's Grace (Daily) -
Moonlighting (Daily) -
Alchemy Ethics (Daily) -
A familiar flavor (Daily) -
A friend in need (Daily) -
An unexpected gain (Daily) -
Fresh Vegetables (Daily) -
Fighting Crime (Daily) -
From pink to black (Daily) -
Small Treasure (Daily) -
Overcoming obstacles (Daily) -
Master of Riddles (Daily) -
Animal Protection Association (Daily) -
Ninja with Injured Feet (Daily) -
Ninja who knows cloning (Daily) -
Savage Ninja (Daily) -
Ninja Trial (Daily) -
Legendary Tricks (Daily) -
Nemesis' Whereabouts (Daily) -
Ninja Summit (Daily) -
Source of Greed (Daily) -
Cunning Helper (Daily) -
A Weight on the Conscience (Daily) -
Versatile Mushrooms (Daily) -
Cold Weather (Daily) -
Heard but not Understood (Daily) -
Righteous Transformation (Daily) -
Righteous Violence (Daily) -
Exorcist's Troubles (Daily) -
Remove Trap (Daily) -
Snowfield Chef (Daily) -
Rejuvenation Medicine (Daily) -
Treasure's Charm (Daily) -
Defeated Monster Brierton!
Daily Top Kills
Defeated Monster Lia!
Daily Top Kills