AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Icicle Treant 92 Elite Monster
Slate Boulder Golem - 92 General Monster
Rugged Boulder Golem - 92 General Monster
Ravenous Leopard Shark - 92 General Monster
Circling Leopard Shark - 92 General Monster
Ice Field Snow Sprite - 92 General Monster
Crystal Ice Sprite - 92 General Monster
Healing Crystal 92 Summoned Object
<Otherworld Hanba Warlord> Gusto 92 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Fearless Leader> Remko 92 Boss Monster
Otherworld Abomination 92 Elite Monster
<Otherworld Hanba Warlord> Gusto 92 Boss Monster
Otherworld Mummified Shaman 92 Elite Monster
<Otherworld Fearless Leader> Remko 92 Boss Monster
Otherworld Abomination 92 Elite Monster
<A Pick Could Be Fatal> Gurro 92 Elite Monster
<Fiery Branch> Ignis 92 Elite Monster
Immortal Wraith 92 Elite Monster
<Caring Forest Fairy> Demeter 92 Boss Monster
Corrupted Daemon 92 General Monster
<Frenzied Slaver> Dabaka 93 Boss Monster
Frenzied Boulder Golem - 93 Elite Monster
Cult Witch 93 General Monster
Disciple of the Abyss 43rd Floor 93 Elite Monster
Fiendish Soul - 93 General Monster
Fiend Totem - 93 Summoned Object
Blacksnake Totem 93 General Monster
Heavy Destroyer - 93 General Monster
Devil - 93 General Monster
Forest Guard 93 General Monster
Fire Spirit 93 General Monster
Nightmare Totem 93 Summoned Object
Dark Flare Trap 93 Summoned Object
Frost Trap 93 Summoned Object
Venomous Snake Dragon - 93 General Monster
Shadow Warrior - 93 General Monster
<Flamecaller> Ghodroon 93 Boss Monster
Machine Gun Turret - 93 Summoned Object
Ice Pick Golem 93 Elite Monster
Ice Pick Golem 93 Elite Monster
Cruel Hunter 93 Elite Monster
Ice Pick Golem 93 Elite Monster
Cruel Hunter 93 Elite Monster
Ice Pick Golem 93 Elite Monster
Solid Stone Guardian - 93 General Monster
<Chaos Demon> Kazimov 93 Boss Monster
Frozen Soul Guardian 93 General Monster
<Quicksand Python> Celia 93 Elite Monster
<Chaos Demon> Kazimov 93 Boss Monster
<Cult Fanatic> Tomas 93 Elite Monster