AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Long Lost Brothers 95 HP +82 Instance
Shaper of Dreams 1 Eidolons
Journeymen 95 CRIT +17 Good Listener
Hermit 101 EVA +17 Good Listener
Hellhound 1 Eidolons
The Proper Lady of Manners 95 HP +40 Instance
Cherish Each Other 95 DMG +20 Instance
Dark and gorgeous beauty! 95 HP +40 Instance
Dark Venomous Beauty 95 DMG +20 Instance
Goddess of Eternity That Never Ages 1 Eidolons
Dark Glutton Queen 1 Eidolons
Relentless God of War 1 Eidolons
Premium Feast 1 Eidolons
Messenger of Happiness 1 Eidolons
Dragon Summoner 1 Eidolons
Beautiful Tachi 1 Eidolons
Embracing Loki 101 HP +41 Instance
Great God's Accolade 101 HP +82 Instance
Run as fast as you can! 101 HP +41 Instance
Let's Run Together 101 HP +82 Instance
Serial Kidnapper 1 Eidolons
Sorry. I need to get through here. 90 Archaeology
Maze Explorer 90 Archaeology
Faulty Memory 90 Archaeology
Sound of a Hurricane 101 CRIT +17 Good Listener
Sound of the Moon 101 EVA +17 Good Listener
Hell Calls Your Number 1 Eidolons
Unwilling to Drink Blood 105 Instance
Eking out an Existence 105 Instance
Super Teleport 105 Instance
Forest Fire Fighter 105 Instance
Bumper Farmer 1 Eidolons
Hunky Mr. Fitness 1 Eidolons
Shining Summer Superstar 1 Eidolons
Glamorous Summer Supermodel 1 Eidolons
Beautiful Moonlight Lord 1 Eidolons
Well-Loved Night 1 Eidolons
Sacred Young Hex 1 Eidolons
Miraculous Flowers 1 Eidolons
Fairytale Princess 1 Eidolons
Party Planner 1 Eidolons
1, 2, 3, Rockman! 1 Eidolons
Ice Queen 1 Eidolons
Spiritual Fairy 105 CRIT +17 Good Listener
Let's stay at Emerald Spring Peaks for a night. 105 EVA +17 Good Listener
Demonized Beautiful Maiden 105 HP +41 Instance
Transform! Demonized Beautiful Maiden 105 HP +82 Instance
Abscondment 106 HP +41 Instance
Give up now! 106 HP +82 Instance
Time Traveler 1 Eidolons