AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
My heritage is pure. 106 DMG +27 Instance
Abscondment 106 HP +41 Instance
The Last Resistence 106 DMG +31 Instance
Horse with an Excellent Pedigree 106 DMG +54 Instance
Give up now! 106 HP +82 Instance
Centaur Glory 106 DMG +61 Instance
Friends' Love 106 HP +120 Quest
Feast at Emerald Spring 106 DMG +22 Rare Monsters
Bright candy color 105 Instance
Unwilling to Drink Blood 105 Instance
I've switched to tomato juice, it's less murdery. 105 Instance
Sharp Eyes 105 Instance
Eking out an Existence 105 Instance
Big Hearty Laugh 105 Instance
Ice Breaker 105 Instance
Super Teleport 105 Instance
Liberate the Slaves 105 Instance
Chaser 105 Instance
Forest Fire Fighter 105 Instance
Passing Through the Fire 105 Instance
Fly High 105 Instance
Pandemonium Troublemaker 105 Instance
Absolute Infatuation 105 Instance
Molten Core Adventurer 105 Instance
Core's End 105 Instance
Spiritual Fairy 105 CRIT +17 Good Listener
Let's stay at Emerald Spring Peaks for a night. 105 EVA +17 Good Listener
Invisible Robber 105 DMG +27 Instance
Demonized Beautiful Maiden 105 HP +41 Instance
Unloved Big Sister 105 DMG +31 Instance
Snatch and Run 105 DMG +54 Instance
Transform! Demonized Beautiful Maiden 105 HP +82 Instance
Big Sister is not listening 105 DMG +61 Instance
Secret Treasure Pursuer 105 HP +120 Quest
Don't be spotted! 105 DMG +60 General Quest
White Spirit 007 105 DMG +22 Rare Monsters
Get your own Prize 105 DMG +60 General Quest
Fulfill Personal Desire 105 CRIT +16 General Quest
Look up and Search 105 HP +75 General Quest
Sneaky Peaky 105 EVA +16 General Quest
Special Foreign Variety 105 DMG +60 General Quest
Angry Bird Mother 105 CRIT +16 General Quest
Maiden Counterattack 105 HP +75 General Quest
Strong Growth 105 EVA +16 General Quest
Too High to Get Down 105 DMG +60 General Quest
Fierce Flame 105 DMG +60 General Quest
Delicious Ingredient 105 CRIT +16 General Quest
Field Photographer 105 HP +75 General Quest
Passionate Magic Auntie 105 EVA +16 General Quest
You are what you eat 105 DMG +60 General Quest