AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Sangria - Crafting
Gourmet Hunter - Crafting
Unrivaled Explorer King - Crafting
I Will Achieve My Dream - Crafting
Best Friends - Crafting
Desert Eagles - Crafting
Memories of Those Years - Crafting
Fated Bond - Crafting
Age of Alchemy - Crafting
Taking A Load Off - Crafting
The Way of a Merchant - Crafting
Following the Footsteps of the Great - Crafting
Spread Love around the World - Crafting
Soldier's March - Crafting
Reaper of the Battlefield - Crafting
Fortunate Every Day - Crafting
Robot Fanaticism - Crafting
Dreaming of Reality - Sky Realm
It is Fortunate to Eat - Sky Realm
Goodbye, Helheim! - Sky Realm
Revisiting Dreams - Sky Realm
Armor Refining Artisan - Refining
Mr. Casanova 1 Azuria Popularity
Superstar Shine 1 Azuria Popularity
Perfect Skin 1 Azuria Popularity
Popular Princess 1 Azuria Popularity
Ace of Spades 1 Azuria Popularity
Dragon Dancer 1 Adventure Medal
Dragon Slasher 1 Adventure Medal
Legendary Refining Craftsman - Refining
Alucard's Assent 1 Event
Envoy + Hunter 1 Event
Prince of Paradise 55 Housing
Twin Saga 1 Event
A Brighter Future 65 Treasure Hunter
Fire King's Arrogance 60 Treasure Hunter
Bludgeon Antiquarian 80 Archaeology
Sacrificial Rite Planner 80 Archaeology
Murderer 40 EVA +80 PvP
Hero 40 CRIT +90 PvP
Slayer of a Hundred 40 EVA +60 PvP
Thriller, Killer 40 CRIT +70 PvP
Killed 30,000 People 999 CRIT +130 PvP
Killed 50,000 People 999 CRIT +160 PvP
Killed 100,000 People 999 CRIT +200 PvP
Ambassador of Friendship 1 Eidolons
MAX Charge 1 Instance
Hurricane Shredder 1 Instance
The person of the Legendary "????" 120 CRIT +17 Good Listener
Time for Stagnation 101 HP +41 Instance